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Sax Lady

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Everything posted by Sax Lady

  1. sounds great too me. I think you know exactly what you want.
  2. have a safe and fun flight. I'm just getting more exicted also as time is windign down. I know you will have a fantanstic time.
  3. what a great story. Its always good to hear stories from a male perspective
  4. an update. They had me down for two reservations. I thought it was weird the day that I booked she sent to different confirmations. But everything is ok they just cancled the one that was not paid. haha But she could have answered my emails or my voice message but again its and island thing i guess. Just glad that is over and I still have my date and time.
  5. great story. Have fun planning. Isnt it amazing how they can sneak one up on you. haha
  6. That price is for air+room. I'm not sure where you are in georgia but I put ATL airport with the cheapest room (they have different room plans) on breezes site (keep in mind runaway bay is a higher costing resort) its too early for may but i put in march 16-20, 2011 wed-sun (as I stated before you should be able to get better prices with a TA) but this is just a start for you. hope this helps. march 16-20, 2011 deluxe room+air coming from atlanta $2066.16 (double occupancy) sorry forgot that is divided by two so that is $1033.08 a person. So it might be safe to say about 1200-1500 a person better to up it and have it be less than to say less and have it be more.
  7. Hello, I'm getting married at breezes trelawny and costs very greatly depending on where you fly from what rooms and things. but I know when I was looking what I did is go to breezes website and they have an option on their where you can choose the resort and put in the travel and airfare and it will give you the total price the only thing is since its so far the airfare probably wont go through because its too far in advance but you could just see how far it will let you go and give that estimate. Also I noticed that when I booked with a travel agent it was a little cheaper than what was on the site. I also have about 20 people. My guests are staying thurs-sun and i think it was about $875 or so. but again it depends on the flight which changes daily cause one day I talk with the TA and then a couple of days later the price had went up. hope this helps.
  8. very nice photos. How did you get to use Sun Gold? cause I know everywhere on superclubs it says you cant use outside video/photography. I'm also getting married at a breezes but the trelawny site.
  9. Just be careful and ask your WC because I think if you get married abroad you have to use their minsters. I would double check with your hotel to see if you can use someone and it still be a legal ceremony.
  10. I actually am having the same problem expect for my dress is going to be ivory and red and my MOH (only have one person) is wearing champagne so I hope it goes. the dress was going to be red and white but the champagne didnt go with the white but it went better with ivory. My problem is trying to match the MOH and Best man. I hope it all goes if not well we will still have a great time. But I think those colors sound good together. The great thing about weddings is it brings out colors you would never imgiangine together.
  11. thanks ladies. I will update hopefully tomorrow cause I will not stop until its sorted out.
  12. Ok so the other day I'm just going about my day thinking everything is just going great. Then I get and e-mail that says my wedding conifrimation has been canceled do to non-payment so I am bout to go crazy as i'm reading this because when I called to reserve the date I also made the payment. (were only staying 4nights at the resort so we had to pay the government fee, this is what the payment is) So I checked my account to make sure the money came out and it did. I just called and the girl and she was out but best believe I will be blowing up her phone tomorrow. I reserved the date march 2 and the money came out march 3 and the crazy thing is you have 10 days to make the payment. So they wait two months to say I didnt pay. Now I am the most laid back person/bride but how they gonna try to pull this 3months before my wedding. Ok feel a little bit better now that, thats out.
  13. Well my situation is a little different. FI lives in Ja so my sister, our son and myself are arriving on wednesday and everyone else on thursday but all guest are only staying a long weekend thursday-sunday. Wedding is on friday. But we are staying for two weeks in JA only wed-sun at the hotel though. I think either way is fine even if its one day but if you will be their after the guest leave that is good to because that will give you time after everyone leaves to relax after everything.
  14. congrats on your achievement.
  15. thanks A2Bride. I actually met my FI at runaway bay. But I have not been there since they renovated. Thanks very much. And i'm glad you had a wonderful time.
  16. congrats on your wedding. Was the first breezes you stopped by happened to be Trelwany? thats where I'm going and I read from reviews that it is a little older. It was actually starfish and breezes took over in november so I think they are doing a lot of updates. Well I just hope I have a nice wedding.
  17. Maybe you could see if the hotel has something. especially if they have a kids center they might have a wagon that maybe you could use and just dress it up. Also try asking your WC they might know.
  18. i'm glad everything worked out. I hate when they do stuff like that.
  19. We have a son that will be 3 by the wedding and he has a daughter that will be 10 by the wedding. Our son will be the ring boy and his daughter will be the flower girl. They will be dressed similar to the MOH and BM thats the only bridal party we are having and I also want to included them in the sand ceremony maybe them pouring one color in together since our son is so young (he will only have turned three a month before our wedding so he will just be transitioning out of the two's). Also maybe one of your older kids might be able to read a poem or something in the ceremony.
  20. I feel ya getting excited as I type this. It know seems like its coming real fast.
  21. I'm glad I found this thread because I have been off the pill for years and I do not want to go back on them and I was wondering if their was something natural I could do. Its not that hard for us now because we are in different countries but in a few months we are getting married so i want to find something now. I am going to get this book and see what all it offers.
  22. I'm trying to figure this out two. My parents will be celebrating 35yrs about three weeks before our wedding. So maybe if we can find something for them to do in JA. I will have to ask FI since he's from there where they can go as an anniversay present maybe.
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