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Sax Lady

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Everything posted by Sax Lady

  1. very cute idea. I am stilling trying to figure out a favour gift. Better hurry up cause i down to under 2 months.
  2. sorry to hear that. Sometimes the post office just makes me so mad.
  3. Sorry that your going through this with your mother but maybe you should just go with your sister and bridesmaid since your mom has bailed twice. You could always bring her with you when you go in for your fitting. I hope everything works out for you.
  4. Everything is starting to come together but I still have a lot to do. I guess thats what I get for being very laid back bride haha. I am getting so excited even as I type this but at the sametime i'm getting nervous but I know I am marrying my best friend someone who gets, understands and supports me. I just want to thank you ladies for all the support you give even if its just by reading some posts. Even if I dont respond you dont know how it helps others out just by reading. Happy planning to everyone
  5. wow cant believe just under 60 days now. ahhhhhhhhhhh cant wait starting to freak and getting excited just thinking about everything. still got a few things to do. How is everyone else doing?
  6. I say if thats what the two of you want go for it. Because people will never be happy when it comes to a wedding. I know some people who have had at home weddings and people still ar emad years later because of something petty and really dont matter. So no matter what you will make people mad so at the end of the day its about you and your FI.
  7. you should do a search in the jamaica section. You should be able to find what your looking for there.
  8. Hello Jolene, welcome you can probably find what you need in the mexico section of the forum I sure the ladies and gentleman can answer your questions.
  9. 30 minute elipicatal and then 30 min of eights and mat workout
  10. Hello Jenn, and welcome to the forum.
  11. I think it depends on the resort. with our resort I think one child was free and then their was a discount child rate. I would just look at the resorts your considering at go to their sites their should be something on their about kids or you can ask your TA is you have one.
  12. I counted them but let the WC know that we have two children attending 3 and 10. I would count them but just say its for example 15 adults and 2 kids and give ages.
  13. great story. glad you are ok and they were able to fix your ring.
  14. glad to hear everything worked out and you got another ring.
  15. I paid for mine but I always knew from when I was younger that I would be paying for my own wedding because my mom always said to us that we were going to buy her dress and we would have to pay for our own weddings. Well I'm still paying for my own wedding. I wouldn't be too mad you never know if she has something else planned for you. Just give it time.
  16. Sax Lady

    Hi Everyone!

    Hello Michelle, congrats and welcome to the forum. You will find lots of great information here.
  17. those are cute, thanks for sharing but I dont know if it will make it with m 3 yr ring boy which is our son. haha
  18. congrats and welcome to the forum. I would say first decide on a few locations that you defenitaly are thinking about and then start narrowing it down by the things you are looking for, such as resort wedding, non-resort, kid friendly and etc. Hope that helps.
  19. Congrats and welcome to the forum. You should find all the information you need.
  20. aww. that sounds like a great idea.
  21. 40 minutes at the gym. 20 minutes on bike and the rest strength training.
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