Sorry this is long
So this has been one day trying to get one suit. It literaly took all day. So I waited to get FI's suit (we live in two differnt countries, so its easier to get it for him) well I actually have been looking for months just was trying to find the right one. Well I have been looking at a suit in JC penney and today they had the suit on door buster plus they had a coupon (yay). Well I think they are trying to get rid of the suits cause they have been on sale and out in the store all summer. So they just had a few left, they had two different colors and bone and khaki Of course I wanted the bone and dont you know they didnt have his size. So I had a girl helping me and to make a long story short she just didnt know what she was doing because she said that she could only look up stores within thirty miles but couldnt get the numbers (the list they had was old because it was all kind of wrong numbers or other places). SO I had my sister try to get a number off her phone but bad reception in the store but we finally got one. Well after that I was just like whatever but another number came up and the sales clerk we were working with was gone and went on break. So I asked another one that was there (my saint) Well let me just say she looked up and called every store we could all over the state almost haha and finally we found one. Oh before I go on the problem was the jacket. Well finally we found the jacket then we had to go to another store for the pants. all of this took about 3-4hrs trying to do this and then when we find everything and I had to just buy any size so I could take it to the other stores and make an even exchange, dont you know the power in the mall goes out right when she rung everything up, then when it comes on we had to wait for the computer to reload. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
So for part two of the day. Well we go to the first place which is about an hour away and no problem, did the exchange with the jacket. Then off to the other store which is about and hour from this store (and about 2 1/2-3 from where I stay) Well were doing good and I dont know where everyone lives but down here sometimes they have a split in the highway well I took the wrong one ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I just went where I thought was right because it was the city that we were going to but of course I dont know the area that well or at all, well to make a long story short we (my mom and 3yr old) went about 30-45 minutes out the way and had to turn back. We finally made it to the mall and got the pants. I tell you after this day FI better like no love this suit haha.
thanks for letting me share, sorry so long.