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Everything posted by Shoesiesluvr

  1. Gone Baby Gone :: Michelle Monaghan
  2. Default Re: One word answers 1. Where is your cell phone? Lap 2. Your significant other? sexy 3. Your hair? curly 4. Your mother? beautiful 5. Your father? crazy =) 6. Your favorite thing? guacamole 7. Your dream last night? forgotten 8. Your favorite drink? juice 9. Your dream/goal? attainable 10. The room you're in? office 11. Your ex? forgotten 12. Your fear? insignificant 13.Where do you want to be in 6 years? prego 14. Where were you last night? hollywood 15. What you're not? quiet 16. Muffins? chocolate 17. One of your wish list items? LV 18. Where you grew up? OC 19. The last thing you did? text 20. What are you wearing? Jeans 21. Your TV? home 22. Your pets? Coco 23. Your computer? work 24. Your life? gooooood 25. Your mood? bored 26. Missing someone? yes 27. Your vehicle? TT 28. Something you're not wearing? glasses 29. Favorite Store? Saks 30. Your summer? awaiting 31. Like someone? love 32. favorite color? hotpink 33. When is the last time you laughed? 12:30pm 34. Last time you cried? unknown
  3. Michael Caine ::The Dark Knight
  4. Definitely go shopping at the mall. Would you rather have a phone conversation with someone or text back and forth?
  5. like... Three Olives Bubblegum Vodka?
  6. Yes, I showed it to him on the internet, we both saw together for the 1st time when it arrived and he saw when I first tried it on at home. We're not doing anything by the book and I just didnt see the need to keep this from him.
  7. We currently have our one pooch, Coco but were deff in the talks of getting her a brother or sister Question: have you ever purchased something that even YOU Knew was a lot of money to spend but bought it anyway and then fibbed to your S/O about what you actually paid?? =)
  8. Thanks gals!!! And yes that was at Disneyland, he proposed on my bday at my most favorite place in the world!! I loooove Disney too!! hehe and Carolina your wedding day is the day before ours! Maybe if we both wish for it the time will fly by =)
  9. Sorry but I think that Im going to have to pass this season. I mean Pamela Anderson The John and Kate plus 8 chick?? (idk why but i ALWAYS say her name that way, for some reasonn just cannot say Kate lol) and Nicole from PCD doesnt she like dance for a living?? unfair much? ID it just seems ultra lame to me this season and sorry but nothing compares to the Apollo Ohno days =)
  10. FINALLYYYYY!!!!! I am able to find some information in regards to a destination wedding!! lol I'm on the typical boards (brides and knot) and i was beginning to think that I am the only person on this earth to ever have a destination wedding lol Thank goodness I stumbled upon this place! newho I guess I should introduce myself.... My name is Cindy and Fiance's name is Hector, we are both 24 years old and he proposed last year on my bday (check out siggy pic), we are getting married this September at the Gran Caribe Real in Cancun (already booked) and staying at the Royal. We are both absolutely excited and cannot wait. Can we please fast forward to September please (preferably Sept 20 puuhlease?)? I would loooove to make lots of friends here so please comment or ask anything!!
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