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Everything posted by Shoesiesluvr

  1. Danie Day Lewis :: The Ballad of Jack and Rose
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by MDLady I have a miniature poodle and am surprised that poodles are not on the list. They are super smart, friendly, not aggressive, and very trainable. Plus they are hypo-allergenic and do not shed!!! I agree, except we have a miniature popmeranian and Im also surprised theyre not on the list, except she does shed...ALOT lol But either way awesome info, were actually looking into getting another dog and this is really insightful. Thanks!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by JENISE I liked Izzy originally but with the new younger cast, I still think the show is great. It's fine without her so I personally don't really miss her. I like it when Alex is more of a jerk-bad boy anyway. He was too nice when he was with her. Now he kinda has the edge back. Just my $0.02 I second that!! Im not her biggest fan so Im okay without her. I read somewhere that her last episode aired like January something but cant recall as to what happened or what her role in that episode was??
  4. Not yet, but i will be hitting the gym around 4:00pm and will be doing my usual 30 mins of cardio and 90 mins weight lifting with the FI...Deff not looking forward to it lol
  5. Henry Thomas :: Gangs of New York
  6. Michael Vartan :: Never Been Kissed
  7. Totally expecting it, but I still had that tiny doubt in the back of my mind. So when he did it, it was as though i wasnt expecting it whatsoever and was really truly shocked lol What is the last thing that you have fibbed about?
  8. The Wedding Planner :: Jennifer Lopez
  9. I guess...dislike?? Cleaning the bathroom??
  10. Kate Hudson :: How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days.
  11. Anne Hathaway :: Bride Wars
  12. thanks for the update ladies!! Quote: Originally Posted by Ginalyn ... However, I probably watch the show more for the "non-celebrity" dancers (Derek, Louis, and Maksim - they are HOT!!) Hahahaha totally agree!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by melnickovich I have a ton of pics that I took of the Royal and Gran on my wedding website. I was there December 17-21, right after the beach was done. Just click on the link to my photo galleries. John & Marci - wedding website by mywedding.com Thanks soo much for posting the link to your albums! Were getting married at the Gran Caribe and staying at the Royal and it really helped me so much that I was able to see your pictures. It seems as though no one is talking much about the Gran. Thanks Again!
  14. Johnny Depp :: Alice in Wonderland
  15. Just got home from the gym, 20 mins on uphill treadmill, 10 mins on bike and 1hr 30 mins doing free weights....to say the least IM POOPED!
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