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Everything posted by Shoesiesluvr

  1. lol youre hilarious!! and duhhh you need cute boots to wear to the airport on the way to your DW hahaha!
  2. Paul Rudd :: I Love You, Man
  3. NIIIICE!! Im usually not a big fan of the pink and green combo but i must say youre invitations are gorgeous! I totally love them!
  4. Hi Andreia, Welcome & Congratulations!! Youre definitely going to find more than enough information and ideas for your upcoming wedding! Happy PLanning!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by FutureMrsLewis Holy crap, if you hadn't posted the side view, I'd say that was my ring lol Mine just looks slightly different from the side, but I have to agree that it's gorgeous, and I still stare at mine ALL the time Ooh really?? I would love to see pictures of your ring! Quote: Originally Posted by michelle2011 What a stunning ring! Gorgeous!! Thanks michelle!
  6. How about a turquoise color? I think that will definitely pop in a sunset and will also complement it nicely. =)
  7. Welcome && Congratulations!! Youre going to love this forum and all the girls!
  8. welcome & Congratulations Michele! youre going to loove this forum and find tons and tons of great advice and ideas! Happy Planning!
  9. Thank you so much for sharing! Congratulations and Im sure the remaining days will fly by!
  10. like (ha! I was totally guilty of thinking dirty, i totally couldnt believe you wrote that! haha!) Crown Royal?
  11. Fun Atmosphere :: Disneyland/World
  12. gorgeous photos! Thanks for sharing! Love Love Love your shoes, Those are the exact shoes that I am looking for our wedding excepts I can only find them in black, Boooooh! Guess Im out of luck!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by Dedicated2Us Do you mind me asking who you are dealing with now? Was it Julie? And is this person working from the office in Michigan or she is actually in Cancun? Thank you Yes we are woking with Julie and I believe she is based in Michigan (my FI is the one doing most of the communication so Im assuming she is based in Michigan)
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