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Everything posted by Shoesiesluvr

  1. sick of : chicken breast for dinner
  2. Hilary Swank :: Million Dollar Baby
  3. Batman forever :: Nicole Kidman
  4. seriously, guys have their own way of packing that must be like magic or something because no matter what they can always get all their stuff to fit into the tiniest bag lol dont worry though, Im sure he packed everything that he needs and if he has to he can always borrow something from one of the guys. Good luck on your big day and congratulations!!!
  5. Patio Furniture :: Backyard BBQ
  6. fitting into my dress :: almost there!
  7. Step Brothers :: John C. Reilly
  8. Booo!!! I was hoping to read on this board that kate finally went home!! we still have next week....
  9. Sooo gorgeous!! Thanks for sharing your amazing day with us!
  10. Will Arnett :: Blades of Glory
  11. Fast Approaching :: My Birthday
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by juliepfeif Think of it as stress reduction for wedding planning ;-) ooooh!! Good one!!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by Blue Skies Not sure if this will help you or anyone else, but I just discovered that in i-tunes if you right click a song, then click on "get info", then click "options", you can alter the start and stop time of a song (i.e. get rid of that really long blank space on either side that some songs have). It transfers onto the ipod and really makes the play-list flow together much better I have found. You can also adjust the volume of each song on here too if you need to...itunes is supposed to automatically adjust them all if you have it set up to do that, but I've noticed it doesn't always work for me. Anyhow if there is a good place in your song that you could just end it, this may possibly work for you. Sorry so late on responding to this, been working on a play-list for months and just stumbled onto this part of i-tunes!! I was going to suggest doing this as well, you would just have to listen to the song and chose the part that you want and make sure to write down the time of the song from where the verse you like starts and where it ends. After that you just enter those numbers in the START TIME an d STOP TIME slots and hit OK.
  14. That is a really cute and unique idea (well unique to my ears, ive never heard of this before) but I really like! Do you buy the bouquet this way or are you making it specifically for this?
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