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Everything posted by Shoesiesluvr

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by RaychelRae WHOOP WHOOP! LOVE them! Can't beat some sassy toe embellishments! Great color too! Lol you're too cute RaychelRae! =)
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by LadyTrunck Aww Cindy I love it! After all of our back and forth on 'pops in your head' it's cool to see something a little personal about another BDW'er! Thanks Jannae! I totally agree, I love going back and forth with the girlies on pops in your head and its awesome to be able to put a face to the name and learn a little something about their big day! Quote: Originally Posted by vlynnw It looks good! Only one thing you may want to edit is on "the girls" page it says "title goes here" at the top. Thanks Vlynnw, GOOD EYE! lol I never would have caught that! Quote: Originally Posted by bikegirl Cindy, your website looks great!! I'm using weddingwire.com, too. Just signed up today. I tried a few other ones but the designs on weddingwire are much better. Thank you Bikegirl, I too tried out multiple sites, I had one on mywedding.com but I just didnt like the layouts, they just didnt speak to me lol and Then we had one on onewed.com where they had awesome layouts but their features werent great, like you couldnt have a guest book and their site was reaaaaallly slow. But your right the designs are way better. Cant wait to see your site! Quote: Originally Posted by DWbridetobe It looks great. Good job! Thanks Brandy, your headline on your site is too cute =)
  3. Delicious :: Pepperoni & Jalapeno Pizzaaahhh
  4. Hello Ladies!!I Just wanted to share our wedding website with all of you...Its still a work in progress, along with anything and everything that has to do with planning a wedding But yeah, if you wanted to get to know me a little better (as I do all of you); take a look, suggest a song, or just say hi in our guest book. Looking forward to hearing any suggestions or opinions you all may have. Have a good one! Cindy & Hector
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by michelle2011 Ok so i ordered these today and hoping they are "the ones" lol Ooooh those are gorgeous!! I hope theyre the ones as well, theyre too pretty to pass up! =)
  6. Awesome, thanks for letting us know! I will definitely be heading over right after work!
  7. How exciting!! congratulations on your big day and the time until your wedding will definitely fly by...cant wait to see pictures! =)
  8. Ooooh how fun!!! Sounds super exciting, We still have 2-3 weeks until our dresses arrive, i hope all goes well. And Stephani sorry to hear about your receiving the wrong size bridesmaid dress, i hope it gets resolved quickly
  9. Guacamole :: Strawberry Margarita
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by KittenHeart LOVE that place! Great find Where is So Cal are you? I'm in Glendale right outside of Hollywood. Agree!! That store is the best!! Love!
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