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Everything posted by Shoesiesluvr

  1. Hello and welcome to the forum! Youre going to find more than enough help and ideas here. Happy Planning!
  2. Perfect Stranger :: Halle Berry
  3. Just got back from the gym 20 minutes on the treadmill @ an incline of 15 with a speed 3.7...10 mins on the bike @ lever 7, then 1 hr 30 mins weight training with the FI...to say the least, Im ready for bed!!
  4. Natural Born Killers :: Juliette Lewis
  5. grandma :: Fresh Baked Cookies =)
  6. Our STD's are done and will be mailed out this weekend!
  7. 5 o'clock :: Weight Training w/ FI
  8. I too began to question myself about this after the dresses were ordered. I just thought that the girls paid for their own dresses, every wedding that i've been in I've purchased my own dress without a complaint. But yeah my girls all paid for their dresses without hesitation, which is why I made sure that they liked their dresses and they can definitely wear out again.
  9. Oooooh how fun!!! If tickets werent a $1,00,000 i would totally be bugging the FI to take me lol Hope you have a great time!!
  10. Eeesh!! Looks like I am behind on the STD's I will definitely send them out ASAP lol i thought 5 months was enough time but I guess I should have brushed up on the invite etiquette. Thanks gals!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by Angel-in-Law Wonderful site! Love, love, love your engagement story! Good job on the site! Quote: Originally Posted by sunstarsmoon you have done a really good job Thanks you guys!! Quote: Originally Posted by Mere Great website-thanks for sharing! Mere, looks like we are both staying at the same resort! Quote: Originally Posted by Cindy* Your website looks great. Congrats Cindy. Hehe, thanks Cindy!
  12. I agree with Mallory and as nerve racking as it may be just remember that you are doing this for your FI, who thinks you are gorgeous and loves you just the way you are and he will drool at all the pictures. Cant wait for an update as well! Good Luck!
  13. Definitely, we're all here to help so just let us know! Quick question, have you all sent your STD's (if youre doing them) out yet? Is it too early/late to do so?? I was planning on sending ours out this weekend.
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