mrs.timpone :: Congrats on the weight loss!! thats awesome!! Im right there with ya, bustin my bootay at the gym hoping to lose as much weight as I can before the big day, i have a feeling that the sunday right before we fly out, im going to be at the gym on the treadmill getting my last work out in hahahha
taranyc : I hope you have a great experience with your dress dresses are made to make you feel and look beautiful so have a blast with it =)
Carolina24: congrats on the down payment for your FI's ring...i totally agree once something is done and you can cross it off your list it totally feels real, as dorky as it sounds I constantly find myself saying to myself "I REALLY am gettng married!" hahahah
Heres a little update on my part:
We went shopping for the guys outfits this past saturday (i of course tagged along because i just HAD to be there lol) and all turned out well...we found just what we (I) were looking for. And I am ecstatic that we found the guys shirts in the exact color that I wanted and was scared we werent going to be able to find. So all the guys got their stuff now all they need is their shoes and theyre set. I also ordered my diamond headband off of Etsy, whch is a perfect match to the diamonds on my jewelry, so im stoked i found it. Well I guess thats it for now...cant wait to hear all of everyones updates!!