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Everything posted by Shoesiesluvr

  1. Both you and your dress are just gorgeous! You look stunning!
  2. Im weaing a diamond head ribbon that matches the jewelry ill be wearing...i decided that a veil was wayy to traditional and really didnt go with me and my unique dress...
  3. ran around in sprinklers :: summertime
  4. So happy that its friday...we received all the goofy items for our picture table for our wedding...and im going to disneyland today! wootness i love it!
  5. have no idea about :: gardening
  6. I agree...its the best I just cant wait to rip the package open as though i dont know what it contains lol.... mrs.timpone have you tried looking on etsy for a hair flower?? i know a lot of the girls have purchased theirs from there and I purchased my head band from there as well...
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by sunkisseddreams they look awesome... what fonts did you use? For the Boarding Passes I used, "Honey Script" which is the cursive writing...then i used "Sunshine Poppy" for the rest of the writing... as for the luggage tags I used "Poor nut"... Thanks for looking girls!!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by SouthernSweetie Looks great! What does the wording on the perimeter of the luggage tags say? Thanks! It just says "Luggage tag" all around the border and a little picture of a palm tree separates each of the words saying luggage tag Quote: Originally Posted by skadow They look great....STD really are nothing but a pain arnt they? lol I hope invites are less time consuming Thank you and yes major pain lol you would think i learned my lesson with the STD's but unfortunately we decided to do message in bottles as invites hahaha that will be "fun" lol
  9. Mini Update:: Woot woot Ladies I got my wedding crystal head band and super hot wedding shoes yesterday!! I love getting wedding stuff in the mail!! Any of you gals on FB??!
  10. Hi there, Im interested in the floralytes...would you be able to let me know what the price for just the lights would be?
  11. Thanks ladies for all your kind words!! Cassie, I bought the Badge holders from Walmart, if I remember correctly they were priced $2.99 for a pack of 12. The ribbon I bought @ Michaels along with the cardstock.
  12. Hi Gals!! I just wanted to share pictures of my 100% DIY luggage tags and STD's boarding passes. I have to say the STD's were a pain in my bootayy with all the little details and all the work that went into them but it was definitely worth the trouble since I love them and so did everyone who received them. The luggage tags were easy and super cute as well, I made a total of 40 luggage tags and designed 16 different pictures and then duplicated for the rest. I "stole" the wording on the border for the tags from someones template posted, just cannot remember who exactly. I used satin ribbon instead of the plastic luggage tag loops, just liked the look better. I used a fuchsia ribbon for the girls and grey ribbon for the guys (our wedding colors) Hope you like... Luggage tags (some of the designs): For the Girls: For The Guys: These were just some of the designs that turned out well enough in the pictures to post... The Save the Dates (I used different colored flowers on each of the passes but for some reason just took pictures with the set with the yellow flower =): Lastly, the Pooch wanted In on the pictures hahaha Oh yeah! and if I were smart enough I would have taken a picture of the inside of the jacket lol anywho since the outside of the jacket states "Your Ticket to Paradise Awaits...." Once opened the inside reads "...Pack your bags!" and next to the wording was a sticker of our wedding logo and the tickets are tucked inside lol Well thats it!! My apologies for the abundance of pictures; I hope I served as inspiration to some of you crafty ladies out there as all of you here inspired me! Thanks For Looking!
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