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Everything posted by Shoesiesluvr

  2. Thanks Everyone!! All this feedback is awesome, everyones ideas helped me out so i definitely wanted to share my planning process! The cards totally came in handy and i was soo glad that I decided to take that route! It definitely is a great way to get everyones pictures without a hassle =) Thanks Karla! Aww thank you, that was one of my biggest concerns since i pretty much did the flowers myself, but overall everyone liked them and so did i! && I saved a couple of bucks! youre totally right!! I didnt have a chance to do a BD shoot before the wedding but im definitely doing one for our 1 month anny and I will definitely be rocking the set! thank you so much! as much of a pain it was to find those shoes, ultimately im so glad we were able to track them down, they were the perfect shoes. As many brides, i too love my bling! hehehe thank you , again =) thank you and thank you! As im sure you do, i am totally in love with my ring! youre welcome! the boarding passes were a pain in the butt, i am not even going to lie about that...but its pretty much because youre starting from scratch and kind of dont have any ideas yet. but once you get everything in order it all falls in to place. Thank you for the shoe and flower love! You should totally try your hand at some DIY things, it definitely helps with saving cash and if you have the patience, why not? hehe thanks!! I loved how they turned out as did the girls!
  3. Dennis Quaid :: G.I. Joe The Rise of Cobra
  4. definitely researchedour wedding veue alot more thoroughly...i also would have had a different coordinator. In regards to your wedding day attire what is the item that you are most excited to finally get to wear, besides your wedding dress??
  5. I wished i still watched:: the news
  6. One Hour Photo :: Michael Vartan
  7. Thanks everyone for looking, the dress has been sold. Thanks again!
  8. Janine everything looks amazing, congratulations on your wedding day. cant wait to hear all about it!!
  9. Julie Stiles :: The Bourne Identity
  10. have you tried Oriental Trading Company?? I bought mine from there and they were very well priced ($2.99/dozen) and they come with a whistle and variety of colors. heres the link just in case. http://www.orientaltrading.com/ui/browse/processRequest.do?demandPrefix=12&sku=20/45&mode=Searching&erec=0&D=whistle&Ntx=mode%2bmatchallpartial&Ntk=all&requestURI=processProductsCatalog&N=0&y=0&Ntt=whistle&Dx=mode%2bmatchallpartial&x=0&sd=Whistle+Expando+Bracelet+Key+Chains
  11. The Prestige :: Christian Bale
  12. Looks like you already made a decision but here are my two cents anyway =) I really like the white and green scheme mostly because you already have other colors at your wedding and throwing in more colors that dont really go will kind of throw things off...but they are all gorgeous and im a sucker for the white and green bouquets.
  13. dislike (well more like dont watch).... The Jersey Shore??
  14. Yay, 2 very deserving ladies!! Congrats girlies!!!
  15. dislike (more like dont really care for)) butterscotch candies?
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