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Everything posted by josh1978

  1. Congratulations! Awesome date as well. Maui is an amazing place, my wife and I got married there and we are having our renewal there. We used a planner to make it easier but if you have any questions please feel free to ask!
  2. josh1978


    Thanks for the kind wishes everyone! If anyone else is considering a wedding or renewal on Maui then I cannot reccomend Fran of Aisles In Paradise enough. Their website is at mymauiweddingplanner.com . Thanks again for all the kind words and for such a great site!
  3. josh1978


    Hello All! My wife and I got married in Maui 5 years ago using a coordinator from Maui. We are back on Maui on vacation and I am thinking of organising a renewal. I am probably going to use the same coordination company as they were great with us for our marriage but I am on the site to poke around and get some ideas for what I want for the renewal. I dont have a specific date as yet, probably going to be in about 6 months time. I want to make it really special (who doesnt) and really fun. I heard there was a bag pipe player on Maui so I might look into that. Thankfully the tsunami didn't really touch Maui! I love this place. Thanks to everyone for so much information on the forum, its making finding ideas so much easier. OK off to watch some whales! Mahalo Folks Josh
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