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Everything posted by cathyandchin

  1. So I heard back from Ivan and my date is available but he says that July is booking fast and I need to go thru Ana! What is the best way to get a hold of her??!!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Tennyt1 I would like to try running outside but how do you measure the distance? There's also a free app in the for the iPhone called RUNKEEPER that uses the GPS on the phone to track your distance. You can also keep track of your activity and there's a map that shows the route youre taking. Pretty awesome stuff if you like to do your exercise outside. It will also let you manual input any information from workouts you've done indoors like treadmill or elliptical.
  3. I tan very easily and I love spending time being in the water but what I've done to alleviate tan lines and stay cool is I put a folded wet towel over my shoulders when I'm laying out or in the water. It may look a little funny but it beats having burnt shoulders!
  4. cathyandchin


    bienvenidos and happy planning!
  5. cathyandchin


    bienvenidos and happy planning!
  6. bienvenidos and happy planning!
  7. bienvenidos and happy planning!
  8. bienvenidos and happy planning!
  9. bienvenidos and happy planning!
  10. bienvenidos and happy planning!
  11. cathyandchin


    bienvenidos and happy planning!
  12. Welcome and happy planning!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by kmkramp Hey Everyone I'm Krista from South Dakota and just got engaged a few weeks ago and plan on getting married this Dec. in Mexico at DRC. Very Excited to be part of this forum and hear the stories and find a bunch of information. Hi Krista! Congratulations on your engagement! I'm also getting married at DRC so I'm sure I'll see you over on that thread Welcome and happy planning! Cathy
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by Diva I am in Austin, TX anyone near me? I'm right up I-35 in Dallas! Woo hoo for Texas girls!!!
  15. Thanks, there are a lot of really great items on this site!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by Boo Oh that is just ridiculous! I find I can still get an email once a week / every two weeks. I usually send an email (I have began to compile questions though and send a couple at once). Then if there is no response in one week, I send another email as a 'friendly' reminder. Once I did go above Ana to the Sales Manager I believe, and got 2 emails from her within 24 hours after that but now back to weekly. It is ridiculously frustrating, I have been planning this thing for 5 months!! Only 7+ months to go. On a separate note, have any of the ladies been able to get a room upgrade. We are fine but my grandparents got the garden view room, we splurged just a little got the basic ocean view room. I was hoping to have them upgraded to ocean view or ocean front would be even better – has anyone had much luck with this? What is the sales manager's email address? I'm going on almost a month without a response and my wedding is in July. I sent her a reminder on Friday but still nothing.
  17. I started on these but I'm having some issues with my printer starting it on the top of the 4x6 sheet. I'll keep playing with it but I'm so excited to get these going so early. Once I know exactly how who's going I'll start putting them together and I really like how Rachel has the pages that show who is going and they're relationship to the bride and groom. Although I'm thinking that my group is a little bit bigger, it's a nice way to include all of the guests (25, I think, and mostly couples). Most of my peeps are all across the country so I think I'll mail them a week before we head out... just another way to get everyone excited!!
  18. So no running for me this weekend... we had 2 inches of snow in TEXAS!! What kind of capri's? I tried it in my Nike's and I had camel toe and I guess the waistband is one of those wide ones so they didn't really stay in place, either. I bought some compression shorts at Dick's to wear under my regular shorts, hopefully that'll stay in place!
  19. We have been good friends for 13 years but didn't start dating until 2 years ago. When we got together I told him he had two years to propose because we were good friends for so long and there was no reason to dilly dally. We bought a house last year and we have been planning our wedding since December. We'll be married this July!
  20. I did week 3 day 1 and OH MY GOSH!! I was able to do the first rep of 3 mins but by the time I had to do it again towards the end I could only do about a minute and a half before I had to start walking it out. It's been a few days and I haven't been able to hit the gym due to my family being in town but I think I might have to do week 3 more than 3 times before I can move on to week 4. On a side note... what kind of shorts are you girls running in?? I've gone through every different pair of undies and shorts combos and I can't find something that I'm not digging out our pulling down! I bought some Champion running shorts that are okay. The Nike Tempos were HORRIBLE because the panty stayed in place but the shorts were riding up like crazy!!!
  21. So we decided to get a DJ and I emailed Ana to see about DJ Doremixx but seeing as how it's been over 3 weeks since I sent her an email about some contract changes I'm not sure if I should contact Ivan directly. Any ideas?
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by FutureMrsRobart I'm still waiting for her to send me the contract and take payment. She emailed me confirming my date and time, letting me know the security deposit. I emailed her back asking should I just send my VISA in the email, call, wait for a wedding contract to fill it in and fax it back and .... nothing. That was 3 weeks ago. I just hope my verbally confirmed date and her not asking for my payment yet doesn't effect one another. I think I'm going to call Mexico again today I guess :-s I tried to fax from three different places it it wasn't happening. I eventually scanned the deposit paper and both sides of my DL & Credit card and emailed her. She said this was fine and my funds were withdrawn about a week later. I just felt really nervous about sending a fax with my info on it and not knowing exactly where it was going to end up and who might see it.
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by saymyname74 Is that before sunset on thursday? Sunset is around 7:25 and nothing ever starts on time. *my cocktail hour is actually at 7
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