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Everything posted by cathyandchin

  1. So I finished week 1 and I'm soo excited! When I was doing my runs yesterday I was able to go up to a 5 and go the entire 60 seconds without thinking "OMG, when can I start to walk again?!" When I started day 1 I could only go like 15 seconds before wincing! I found these podcasts with some GREAT music and it's timed for the Couch to 5K program. It will start to count down over the music when it's time to switch it up. Go Nicole Yourself!: Couch to 5k Podcast Page Happy running girls!!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by giraffexx How is everyone telling their guests about this? On your website, invitations, etc.? Some of my friends have asked and I mentioned the pass. My mom said some of her friends have asked and she wanted to know WHY but I just told her that is a common policy at AI resorts. So I guess it's going by word of mouth, but I think that that at a last resort I will add it to my website.
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by nmurch alot of my guests are saying that the hotel we are staying at is nice, but they have either time shares or AMA offers a 2 for 1 deal in jan so they want to do that, so i kinda feel like i DONT wanna pay for them because they are getting a deal elsewhere plus the hotel i'm staying at is 99USD/PP/daypass!! If they're staying somewhere else to save money then they can pay for the pass. Them saving money is costing YOU money! Let them know that if they choose to go that route they will have to shell out for the pass. Surely they wouldn't then ask you to pay for it, right? That's in real poor taste if they did.
  4. Get my house to look more like a home! We've been here a year and it still isn't quite there yet! Guiltiest pleasure??
  5. 1. Where is your cell phone? table 2. Your significant other? snoring 3. Your hair? bun 4. Your mother? awesome 5. Your father? smartass 6. Your favorite thing? books 7. Your dream last night? blank 8. Your favorite drink? dosx 9. Your dream/goal? travel 10. The room you're in? TV 11. Your ex? army 12. Your fear? bugs 13.Where do you want to be in 6 years? preggo 14. Where were you last night? home 15. What you're not? skinny 16. Muffins? top! 17. One of your wish list items? abs 18. Where you grew up? everywhere 19. The last thing you did? download 20. What are you wearing? nike 21. Your TV? on 22. Your pets? puggles 23. Your computer? ugh 24. Your life? fabulous 25. Your mood? happy 26. Missing someone? no 27. Your vehicle? mitsubishi 28. Something you're not wearing? shoes 29. Favorite Store? Macy's 30. Your summer? pooltime 31. Like someone? yes 32. favorite color? blue 33. When is the last time you laughed? today 34. Last time you cried? today
  6. Definitely go to Billy Bob's in Fort Worth! If you make it down to Dallas you'll want to go to the Ghost Bar at the W Hotel. It's got the most amazing view of the skyline! It's kind of uppity and snobby for me, but I live here and I get tired of the snobs but I love the view of the city!! Some good bars/restaurants are off of Knox & McKinney Ave. in Dallas, or in Addison. Dallas has some great steakhouses, often called a Chophouse. You might be better off eating a great steak than finding good BBQ out here! Tex-Mex dining is also amazing!! It's different from Mexican cuisine, but still similar. Chuy's, Mia's, Matt's, are all great spots to go to. Dallas also has some world class shopping. NorthPark Mall is the largest and oldest in the state and everything there from middle of the road to high end. The Galleria is also a very nice mall, it's got an skating rink in the middle of it. By the way... I noticed your FI in your avatar pic is wearing a BIG BLACK t-shirt. You can actually go by Big's house! We're super big Rob & Big fans at my house and he lives down the street from us!
  7. We're getting married at the courthouse sometime in April because my brother is leaving to basic training in May and will miss the wedding in Mexico (which is symbolic anyway). We're going to celebrate the Mexico date as our anniversary b/c that's when we're married "under God"
  8. Cleaning the kitchen... FI and I have a deal: whoever cooks doesn't have to clean. I went to the gym so he made dinner! But I don't wanna!!!!!!!!
  9. If my ring didn't come from a store where can I get it appraised at? Does your homeowner's cover it if it's damaged or lost outside of the home? Sorry to sound so ignorant!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by nmurch Q: if you have quests not staying at your hortel b/c of one reason or another, who should pay for the day pass? the guest? or me? According to etiquette, we are supposed to pay for our guests. But more than likely if a guest is staying at another place it's their choice so why should we have to pay MORE money for them to come to our wedding? My mom is super proper and she said the same thing... I felt guilty for charging a "cover" for my wedding but we're shelling out THOUSANDS of dollars already, right?
  11. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button: Taraji P. Henson
  12. Oh wow! This is so beautiful!!! I think it might be a little private thing we do the next morning... I'm going to be a step mom so we'll do it all together ;-)
  13. Week 1 Day 2 of Couch to 5K... I wince a little less each time I have to start the run! Downloaded the app for my iPhone and it helps keep my attention away from doing the 60/90 sec subtraction math while on the treadmill, LOL! Keep it up chicas!!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by rdsjcr Hey- I think I am getting confused... hahaha..... when we can mix and match does they mean they we can ONLY offer one meat to all of them in the buffet (like we have a pre-set meal) .. i mean what if some people dont like chicken/meat etc? Sorry- I dont get what Ana wrote to me, so maybe you guys can explain Also- has anyone else booked with the $100 but NOT done the contract (I just got nervous seeing all of you talk about a contract) I'm not sure how the buffet is done. We have less than 40 guests so we'll be having the sit down dinner. I haven't signed a contract but we've been going back and forth on it to get the details down.
  15. I just checked an old email from Ana and she said I could mix and match from the silver and the gold options! *now I need to make a new survey...
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by saymyname74 I like both. What is everyone else choosing? The pool deck or terrace. I like the terrace. It's a more intimate and is in between the beach and the pool...
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by saymyname74 Where is the pool terrace? The pool terrace is the concrete around the actual pool, like where the lounge chairs would be. If you go to page 52 of this thread there are gigantic pictures of the terrace and deck of the pool. Hope this helps!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by Boo Sorry for the multiple posts but I just wanted to note that using an ipod we ladies then rent the sound system for USD 180 per hour for the reception, DJ is USD 1200 for 3 hours if I remember correctly, and then you also get cold fireworks, extra lighting etc. So if you wanted to have 3 hours of music regardless, you are comparing USD 600 for Ipod or USD 1,200 for DJ - that stressed me out personally when it dawned on me Geez! 1200 is around how much it would cost us out here but you don't get the extras... $600 is a lot too just for an iPod that I'm bringing with my own music loaded onto it. They should include the sound system with the package, don't you think?? Are you having your reception on the pool terrace?
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by saymyname74 On the menu choices like # 3 when it says " Or Lamb Wellington" what does that mean? Is it saying you can have that as the main entree? I am confused by that. Yeah, my understanding is that guests will have a choice of main course (like fish OR chicken, Beef OR lamb, etc) but the rest still remains the same. I made a little survey on surveymonkey.com and sent it out to FI, his brother, and my bff. When I get the menu down I'll add it to my webpage for my guests to see...
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by saymyname74 Right, I am nervous about my time to. Who knows...What package are you getting? I am doing the Ultimate, but I am not sure what menu to choose. We are having about 15 guests ...I wish I could do the buffet. I'm getting the Ultimate package, too. I think we'll have closer to 30 guests though. I like the No. 2 off of the Silver Menu: and 1 & 3 from the Gold Menu: These seem like the most "universal" choices overall... I'm narrowing the choices to these and then FI, his brother, and one of my bff's will vote! So I'm kinda democratic, right? LOL
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by saymyname74 I am getting married at 4:30pm on March 5th, 2011. I didnt' want to chance it getting dark before the pictures were taken. It showing the sunset at 5:53p.m. on that day. So you're an hour and a half before sunset too. I think that's enough time... the ceremony won't be more than 15 mins, right??
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by saymyname74 That is a good idea to have the cocktail hour the day before the wedding. Great idea! Thanks for the reassurance! It just seemed to make sense to use it as a welcome cocktail because our ceremony is at 6pm and our dinner will be right afterward I'm a little worried about having the ceremony at 6. I checked on sunset times during the end of July and it showed it at 7:38 or something like that. Do you think this will be enough time with lighting? I'm hoping to have amazing sunset pictures!
  23. Buenos dias chicas! I have the Ultimate package and I am going to get the Mexican Trio but I'm not sure if I should have them play their set for the cocktail hour (day before wedding), ceremony, or reception. I was thinking during the ceremony (we're doing the beach) because the cocktail hour is going to be socializing time and the reception we'd just do the iPod. Thoughts?? Cathy
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