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Everything posted by Daily2011

  1. Laura U ROCK!!! Thank you so much for the review of the events. I welcome any information and advice that you have. With your number of guests, how was your seating at the gazebo? Also, did you do any large group dinners at the buffet? Thanks in advance for the info? Pictures?
  2. Thanks Diane! I will have to give them a try.
  3. conditioner:borrowed from hotel
  4. Diane: Where did you go? I have been looking and trying to find a place in the cities.
  5. So...common story around here, my parents have been divorced since I was three. I grew up with my mom 5 states away and only saw my dad for summers. As an adult I see him once or twice a year when he comes through hunting. I have tried to build a relationship with him and my sisters but they are not interested. I have attended all of their graduations, weddings, showers and the like. They have not reciprocated EVER. So I have told my father all along the way what we are planning. We have finally got the information to book from the TA and I called him yesterday to confirm dates. I wanted to make sure that I was not scheduling him and my step mother out of the wedding. I got the lecture about how I was being selfish. My sisters will not be able to make this and he is not sure that he and my step mother will attend. Seriously?! He paid completely for my sister's fairytale wedding two years ago. He has made it clear that he won't pay a dime for mine no matter where it is, and he can't even be bothered to attend. My sisters and step mother have never set foot out of their home state for ANY event about me. Why would it be different for my wedding regardless where it is? It isn't like I expected them to come and knew it was possible that my dad wouldn't either, but the guilt trip?! Really?? And now that we are ready to book?? Why not say all of this months ago? Thanks for listening.
  6. dancing the night away with my fiance: leaping leprechaun I love the man dearly but that's what he looks like when he tries to dance. Finger poking the air and high knee raises and all.
  7. Cigars:celebration I would have said Cuba, but...
  8. As far as I know my parents are coming and I inted to walk myself down the aisle. I am in my mid 30's and don't feel that anyone is "giving me away" but me. I think it is fine to walk yourself. (I will admit to a moment of panic earlier this week at the thought of being that nervous by my self!)
  9. Thanks Mrs.C2B! The TA said 25 when she got back to me. She also said that there is an 80% rule?! I haven't heard that for the Barcelo. Anyone know? Do 80% of the guests need to be at the resort where the wedding is booked? Do you pay the day pass for folks at the other Barcelo resorts and do they not count toward the 80%?! Christa.
  10. FI has asked what a cab ride into Playa would cost. Anyone know? I thought I remember that it was a 15 min ride or so... Anyone have the answer?
  11. I am partial to the DB dress as it is the one I have chosen! Good luck making the decision...
  12. Greetings all...I am planning a January 2011 DW in/arround Playa del Carmen. Originally I was thinking the Gran Porto Real but when the TA got back to me with pricing the Palace is waaay less expensive right now. I just got through all of the thread and appreciate the info you all have shared. Anyone have any words of wisdom to help me make the choice? What was your deciding factor? Christa
  13. This might be too late for you but my TA says that the room rates will go down for the Jan dates. I am looking at the same time too. It is what is known as the "soft season" not high season. It is in between Christmas rush and Spring breaks and usually a good time to go. Just have faith and be patient and you can have everything that you want! The rates just came out and they always are published really high at first but WILL drop. Hang in there!
  14. Not as small as the ones I think you are referring to. It is not a full size pail though.
  15. My TA got to me today with rates on three different resorts. I had been thinking the Real Gran Porto but The Barcelo Palace came in at a really great price. Now I am torn!!!!!
  16. I found these last night at Target in the dollar spot and though they were perfect for my wedding. Who could go wrong at $1 per pail?! I thought I'd share.
  17. Hey ladies! I think I will be a January Bride at the Gran Porto Real! I am waiting for the TA to get the booking done so I can feel sure. So far we have obviously picked the resort and a tentative date of the 15th, but need to get that confirmed by the TA. I have the dress picked out but not purchased yet. i will do that by the end of the month as I have some credit at David's to use by then. I made my first wedding purchase yesterday! I bought tin sand pails at the Target dollar spot for our flower girl baskets! I am so excited!
  18. Dianep I am so excited for you! This might just redeem my faith as all of you have been saying that even though there is a bit of drama dealing with the US WC everything works in the end... I have my fingers crossed and looks forward to your review!
  19. I so hear you Jenna! I just try to focus on the positives of what we DO have.
  20. Jnagan2011: I had a really hard time deciding between the Riu and Royal properties. I am interested to hear your experience. I ultimately made the decision based on cost and what my TA was telling me about service. However, all the ladies on this forum have been saying that the Royal's service leading up to the transfer to the Mexican WC is awful. It is making me second guess...AGAIN. Luckily I can't put a deposit down yet! I know there are more of us from MN around here. There is a gal from the Royal who is getting married in a couple of weeks from Mpls. We should plan a cities meet up.
  21. A bit frustrating as the rates are not out for next year yet and the TA here won't do anything until the rates come out. I have selected the Gran Porto Real in Playa del Carmen Mexico. I was checking with the resort today and it appears someone might have stolen my day and time slot! I was so hoping for it...I guess I will have to be happy with another option. I am sure I can find one that will work just as well! How is yours?
  22. Not quite MPLS but I'm in Austin, MN just an hour or so South.
  23. You are sooo not alone on this one. We are in the same boat as well. I call it a faux engagement and he calls it partially engaged. (Kind of like partially pregnant right?!) We have lived together for two and a half years and bought the house a year and a half ago. A couple of months ago in the kitchen he asked "so when are we getting married?" We teased back and forth and I told him he needed to ask me another question first. His response was he thought he just did and I teased back then my answer was "I don't know because if that was THE question the answer was no." From there we have started planning for Jan of 2011 but it is weird with no formal proposal yet and no ring. I know it is coming,and that recession has not helped but nothing seems quite real without it. I too long for that story. The one above is not what I want to tell our kids. I keep reminding myself too that what matters is we will be married one way or the other and I don't need a story to know that I love him and he loves me right back. There are daily stories everyday that demonstrate that...
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