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Everything posted by Daily2011

  1. Hey Ladies, just checking in. Anyone making progress on photographers? Anyone know of anyone who has used Adrian or Victor Herrera? Also I thought maybe it might make sense for us all to add our wedding dates to a list so we know who has a wedding next up coming. If you all think it is a good idea, add yours to the list in date order. Christa (Daily2011) January 15, 2011 (January 11-18, 2011 trip)
  2. Yep we have paid the deposit on the trip and have the confirmation numbers for all of that submitted. That is what prompted the e-mail from her about the attachment that wasn't there...
  3. Ladies: I got an e-mail from Claudia that talked about an attachment that would go step-by-step through the process of planning and had a tentative schedule. She said that she needed me to fill in the wedding party section. Only, the e-mail was not attached to anything. I e-mailed back to tell her that a couple of days ago, but no response yet. Anyone have what she is talking about?
  4. Just an update, the FI and I had a long talk last night and he is totally supportive and does not share his mother's hurtful comments. He has never had a particularly close relationship with her. We have agreed to limit contact and confront it when it comes up again. On another subject, does anyone have a menu of services for the spa?
  5. I have tried to view her comments that way (as positive and concerned). I have told myself that it is just the way she is expressing love for her son. It was the "fat lady store" comment today that kinda sealed the deal on not being able to look at it that way. It certainly has not helped the self esteem any and I don't know how to deal with her (and his dad to a lesser extent) now. If you really think that little of me...
  6. OK ladies you are my barometer and source of strength. I am having a crappy day. Seriously does anyone have FMIL who is just nasty? How do you deal with it? My FI parents have made it clear to me that I am not good enough for their son due to my weight. My FMIL refers to the shop where I buy my clothing as "that fat lady store" and constantly asks my FI if he is sure that our marriage is what he wants. She keeps telling him that she is worried about my "health". (I am fine, just overweight.) How do I not let this bother me? How do I deal with my FI? I have asked me not to tell me what his parents say and he doesn't for the most part but that is not going to fix the problem long term, right?
  7. Just checking in to see how everyone is doing. I am progressing in the planning! I think we have picked out invitations and STD's. Now if I can get the FI to get me his list of invitees we will be doing well. He is scheduled to be home this weekend and should be around for at least a week (he travels for work) so I might be able to corner him. Dress is bought and shoes are as well. I am on a diet and trying to work out more. When he is home I was going to see if we can get someone to take some pictures to use on our STD's. I am also thinking about the registry, photography, and "theme" of the wedding. How about all of you?
  8. You look great!! I am in love with MAC since my trial too!
  9. I got sucked in one day when I was sick. It is too funny. They are all crazy and total caricatures of real people. Where do they find these folks? You are not the only one with the guilty little pleasure.
  10. I was looking at their invitations today. Has anyone ordered with them? Does anyone have positive or negative experience?
  11. Sucks! (not coming to our wedding):step mother and sisters
  12. OK so I would not have gotten my butt out of bed to do the tape if I had not told you all that I was going to. It was raining and cold here this am and so nice to stay in the warm bed. BUT, because I made the statement to all of you, I got up and did day one. I won't lie it was rocky. I am totally out of shape and have over 100lbs to lose (won't all be before the wedding I know). However, I got through it and did most of the moves. I thought I was going to puke at one point but it isn't because I couldn't do it just cause I was out of shape. Bring on the burn! I am going to do this!! Thanks for the support ladies. I am going to need it!
  13. I'd like to be added to the BLUE starfish list please. I am getting married on January 15, 2011 at the Barcelo Palace. My travel dates are January 11-18.
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