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Everything posted by jealousy88

  1. I have started working on our monogram, but FI has been making it difficult since he wants to help and put in his input. Which I am happy he wants to help, but it is slowing things up. lol. I have been taking from ideas I have already seen and combining them to make them my own. We are designing ours in MS publisher and I am hoping it will be done soon so we can start on our save the dates. I wanted to have those out by Christmas, but I don't think it's going to happen, especially since we have to do Christmas cards. I have been wanting to take engagement photos, but won't do it until I loose some weight, and we want to put those pics on the STD's as well. It may be awhile, but I will share the monogram when I get it done.
  2. He is 10 years and two days older than I am, but the age difference is never noticable because I have always been pretty mature for my age, and he doesn't seem to be as old as he really is so it works out great. I like being the younger one, men always look better with age anyways, its so unfair. lol
  3. Congratulations on your new baby, she is beautiful!!
  4. Went to the gym this morning did 20 minutes on the treadmill, 10 on the stair climber and 30 minutes of circuit training and it felt great!!
  5. Bellajove Welcome to the forum, and congrats on reserving a date! We have finally managed to set a budget, and we are getting started on our save the dates. Narrowed down our area to Playa del Carmen, and now trying to choose a good resort there. We are doing a site visit in the spring and I am very excited about that!
  6. Welcome to the forum! Congratulations on your engagement!
  7. Congratulations and welcome to the forum, you will find everything you nedd here.
  8. Welcome to the forum! You will find all the info you need here. Congratulations on your engagement!
  9. OMG I know how you feel. My little one is just now getting into the toddler years, and ever since she started walking she has had so many bumps and bruises. I guess it is just apart of childhood. So hard to get used to.
  10. My daughter's favorate play area is the kitchen cabinet with all of the tupperware in it, she loves to dig in all of that stuff. And if we ever get a big box, it is the first thing she goes for. Toys are too overpriced anyways, I buy everything second hand.
  11. I am so sorry for your loss. Just remember that she will always be with you in your heart, and she will be with you on your special day. Maybe have a special area with some candles lit to commerate her, it might help. My prayers are with you!!
  12. Hi ladies, just writing to check in and see how you are all doing with the wedding planning. We have been taking a break from it because life has been totally crazy, but I thought I would take tonight off and get back to it. We still havn't done much, just created a budget. We landed around 14K, which is more than I thought, but still cheaper than if it was at home. Still makes me nervous because I know it will go up some more. Anyways, how are you all doing with your wedding planning?
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by FutureMrsLewis This may sound crazy, but I just yell at myself in my head. I don't have any set schedule, I just exercise whenever I get the chance, and when i'm sitting on my ass thinking "Ohh, I'm so comfortable, I don't want to move" I change gears and just say "Dammit! Get your fat ass up and do it! Now!" I need to hire Jillian Michaels to come into my living room and yell at me so I don't feel like I'm crazy yelling at myself lol I totally do the same thing! Lol. And when I am at the gym I well at myself to work harder, and sometimes I picture Jillian yelling at me too. How funny. You can do it girls, but the only person who is going to make you do it is you! And in the words of Jillian, "Why choose failure when sucess is an option."
  14. The area around Aspen is really pretty. I don't know too much about the area, I lived in Breckenridge for 4 years which is somewhat close to Aspen, but still a little ways away and know a little bit about the area. I couldn't recomend any vendors around there, but I will tell you if you have time, drive to the top of Idependence Pass, it is an amazing road that goes up to just a little over 12,000 feet and offers spectacular views. The maroon bells are an amazing mountain range close to Aspen that make for a good day hike. Their is really amazing shopping there, and everything is really expensive, but very nice. Good luck with your wedding, it sounds amazing. PM if you have anymore questions. I hoped this helped.
  15. I find that having my workout time as my escape time and my me time make me want to go and look forward to going to the gym. I'm the kinda of person who like the gym and can zone out on a treadmill, but that is definatly not what works for everyone. You have to find what works for you. Now that it is summer, try doing some outdoor activities like hiking, walking, and biking. Getting outside can be very refreshing, and you will find that once you get into a routine, you will start to feel great. I get grouchy if I don't work out now, just because I start to feel tired and lathargic. Excercise gives you an amazing energy and an amazing natural high, and offers so many benefits to you. You can do it!
  16. One thing that I did for my baby shower was put together a really nice gift basket that was worth around $150 worth of stuff. It had wine and cheese and movies and games and I raffled it off. The price of one raffle ticket was a Jumbo pack of diapers (which is like the smallest size), and people could get as many tickets they wanted. I had so many diapers and wipes, I was stocked for a good 4 to 5 months, it was worth the money I spent on the basket. Congratulations on your baby!
  17. jealousy88

    New Here

    Hi and welcome to the forum! You will find everything that you will need here! Congratulations and Happy Planning!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by Jennybell1 Hey Ladies, FREEBIE FOR YOU! So I worked on my key card holders this weekend and made about 32 more then I needed. So if any of you are getting married in Mexico in Jan 2012, and havent made yours yet - let me know and I will mail these off to you. I printed them on a sand colour card stock I think they look really cute. If your interested, email me and I will send them off to you. I can also send you my template and you can run off some more if you need it. Here is a pic of them not in the key tag holder yet just so you have an idea....the pic is a little fuzzy, but the writing says " I take you to carry my key and tip money, for poolside or barstool, for soused or sober, in heat and humidty until I depart" Oh and the writing is in a bluey/turquiose colur I guess. My email is [email protected] Oh and there FREE btw!!! Cute!! Too bad my wedding is in June.
  19. Everything looked beautiful. I really loved your placecards, they turned out great.
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