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Everything posted by mexico102

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by heartbeat Hello fellow brides!!! I feel off a bit because i had baby.....but now i'm back in wedding planing mood... not that i really have a choice. lol wow congrats!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by m&d2011 Hi girls! I received my save the dates today!!! Can you check the thread? http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...es-pics-60332/ thanks!!!! They are awesome!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by Tissey I'm working on my invites now and could use some feedback. Here's what I have: Blank and Blank (parents) Request the pleasure of your company At the beachside marriage of their daughter ME to FI On Friday, the third of September Two thousand and ten At five o'clock in the afternoon Dreams Puerto Aventuras Resort & Spa, Quintana Roo, Mexico Sunset reception to follow Should I say Puerto Aventures, Mexico of the second to last line instead or leave it as I have it? I'm confused on the whole town, state, country thing. I think that Quintana Roo is the state. Maybe us Mayan Riviera, Mexico?
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by badrianne Oscar Ernie, The photographer and assistants will take a bunch of pictures and then you get to pick your favorite 25 shots (if you pay for the $25). You can either have them made into 25 prints or you can have a cd with the 25 images so you can get whatever size prints you want. Mexico102, I had 3 weddings on my day (which is unusual). I would email your wedding coordinator your 1st choice and then 2nd in case of rain. It's first come first serve. If it rains I'm sure they will take care of you. They'll probably put one of you in that nights closed restaurants. Also they can split the room above portofina into two rooms if your groups are small enough (around 30). 3 weddings? I though they guarenteed max of 2 per day? The probable is that the pictures she sent me of the various sites were not very good. I'm still waiting for a picture of the pool terrace (which she said she was working on last month.) So I really don't know what a want....I wish I did a site visit. Does anyone have any comments on the pool terrace area? Is the "ballroom" the room above portofino?
  5. Thanks for the reassurance. We really want to have a legal ceremony down in Mexico, not legal here first. I was starting to have second thoughts because it seems that the majority don't do legal. Thanks for this thread!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by wendyjd Great frame. I haven't decided if I want to do a sand ceremony or not (FI probly doesn't even know what that is, haha). I am really frustrated with my dollar tree cups/lids. I can't find anything to use for personalizing, tried clear adhesive paper... looks really cloudy, and now rub on transfer paper, still really cloudy. I may end up using a darn paint pen!!! I need to take a few days off wedding planning and get ready for Bunco at my house in just over a week. How sad that I'm thinking about color coordinating the food/drink!!! argh, just some snacks and soda/wine/cocktails will be fine. Ok this might be way too much work but this how I get myself into long horrific projects.....what about stencils? time consuming but you have a few months.....LOL!
  7. I'm not so worried about where I'm going to have the reception, it seems like there are plenty of options. What I'm more concerned with is that there is another wedding on our day. Did anyone else have another wedding on their day. How do they decide who gets what location? What if is rains is there 2 inside venues?
  8. I ordered my cameras from ecamerafilms.com. I ordered 35 of them. I only wanted 15 exposure because I'm putting them in the OOT bags plus on the table at the reception. Didn't want 35 27exposure camera to develope. They are Fuji 35mm 400speed. payed $64 plus 16 s+h.
  9. I was thinking about the same thing. In the pictures that Jacy sent me there where several different chairs. Some nice, some not so nice. The covered chairs are simply metal folding chairs which if it is windy they can be seen which is "ugly" to me. Those chairs in the picture look "OK" (sash is beautiful, without it chair is "OK"). Thought I was the only "nut" thinking about what I thought was a "silly" detail. So happy you brought it up. Jacy said that the covered chairs come with the Ultimate package but that any of the "nicer" chairs can be rented (for cost to us, of course) So I don't think that I want to spend more money on chair rentals so I'm going to look at them when I get down there and if they are really not what I want I'll weigh my options. I am making my own chair sashes which incorporate a starfish as well. I'm using 3inch grosgrain ribbon etc. I'm not crazy about any of the chairs bows or sashes I have been able to find so I'm taking on another DIY project.....LOL! If they come out how I invision them they will be beutiful!!!
  10. OMG so cool you came back and posted I read from the beginning.....glad you had a blast!
  11. Is it ok to have 1 item for 2 things.......ie:blue starfish bouquet jewlery borrowed from another BDW bride?
  12. Hey thanks for this info....I need about 30 camera so I will definately check this out!
  13. Thanks for the info echo2! Any body hire a DJ.....can you bring anyone you want in or do they restrict them like the photographers? Sent Jacy an email, awaiting her response to that question and 8000 more questions, so it might take her some time to get back to me.....LOL!
  14. Hey welcome to the forum I'm from Boston as well (dorchester)! Happy planning.
  15. LOL! What will be do after the weddings? Sleep and spend months catching up w/ our DVRs!!!!!
  16. mexico102


    congrats and welcome to the forum!
  17. Hello and welcome to the forum!
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