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Everything posted by CND_Redhead

  1. Hi Everyone, We're getting married in Panama in Jan so it's about 8 mths away. I am just wondering when is a good time to start emailing the WC at the resort to start setting up what you want (i.e decorations, flowers, music arrangements etc..) If anyone has been to the Royal Decameron and has first hand exerience I'd love to hear from you. Or if you could give me an idea of when you started with your resort WC that would help! Cheers, Jen
  2. That's the song my FI noted as "our song" also!!! We're doing the legal part at home too but I agree, you can do a "fake signing" for your guests and then it does give you time to play the song. We're doing a "fake signing of papers" as our guest dont' konw we're doing the legal stuff at home. Hope you can find a spot for it, it is an amazing song! All the best,
  3. My FI has two boys 13 and 9, he has asked the older one to be his best man and the younger is the ring bearer. We also have 2 other GM in the wedding party. They are both just thrilled to be a part of the wedding... Good luck with everything Cheers,
  4. That is a great idea. My FI and I have also been living together for a while so there is not much we need in that sense.. this is a very neat website. Thanks for sharing
  5. Welcome to the forum, Congratulations and by far a DW is the way to go (but I think we are all a little bias on this site lol ) Whatever you need you'll find on this site!! Cheers and happy planning!
  6. Welcome to the forum, Congratulations and happy planning!!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by HereFishie CDN Redhead - our brother in law is in the promotional business and he found those shirts among his suppliers. The maker is Bobby Chan. thanks, they are great, I am having a hard time finding something that the FI and I can agree on (style and colour) those are pretty much what I had in mind! Cheers,
  8. I'm so happy everything went well for you. You guys looked like you had a great time. Your dress (and you in it) was stunning!!! Where did you get the GM shirts Enjoy married life. Cheers,
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by MDLady Just a WARNING for those relying on people to RSVP on a website. For whatever reason, some people don't notice the website and don't go. So if you are not sending the invite, make sure that you call everyone and they know to go to the website. I had phone calls from people who didn't even notice the website address on the STD, asking me about the wedding details that were already on the website so I sent out the formal invitations. I would hate for any of your guests to not come due to lack of paying attention to the website. That is exactly the dilemma I just went through, and quickly made up DIY invites to send out that very easily spelled out they needed to book and RSVP.
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by erin4640 We decided to go with Panama because we have been to central american a few times (honduras and costa rica) and a few people had recommended panama as a less expensive destination for a wedding. A friend of mine went to decameron and loved it. The price is all inclusive, so flights accomodation, etc. I havent really started looking into planning the wedding down there but the list of options I have seems like pretty reasonable prices. Canadian Redhead: have you started planning your ceremony or reception yet? I have gotten a bit of information from Julie but not much. Do you have a list of any options with prices? I haven't done much in the way of planning. Julie sent me a basic package but it's from last year so I am waiting a bit then I'll email her and get her to send me updated prices (if they've changed.) I've asked her to quote me a price for a sound system (for our iPod). but other than that I haven't done too much. I didn't want to start to early and have things get lost in the shuffle or the length of time we have to wait.
  11. thank you Simba1234, great 2 cents!! and congrats on the DW wedding!!!
  12. Congrats, and thanks for the review, do we get to see pics ?
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by mirelle_anne Hi there, Congratulations on booking the wedding you must be so excited. So I am replying because I too am a Canadian, Ontario Bride who is having the worst time trying to nail down a destination. I have been set on Jamaica but like others, the cost per person can be too much to as people. I am so interested in your decision on Panama!! I have never thought about it before but it sounds awesome. What made you make your decision for there and does your cost include taxes, flight and accomodations?? James and I really want to get our place set because we are looking at March of 2011. I would appreciate any feedback. Thanks! Mirelle Hi Mirelle, My FI and I were very much for Cuba as we've both been there and liked it a lot (plus price was good) but we were very hesitant b/c of weather. We knew we had to pick a date between mid Jan and end of March. Our TA mentioned Panama when we brought to light the concern with weather and Cuba. Panama is very close to the equator so it's very warm (and humid). B/C it is different we thought maybe more of our guests would want to go or be willing to pay the price to go. Also there are some neat things to do, ziplining in the rainforest or the rainforest boat tour. Seeing/ touring the Canal. The only downfall is it is a long flight and bus ride, but I keep thinking the hot sun and nice weather will be all worth it. My price is as an all inclusive resort (flight, accomadations etc..) and taxes included. Since we've booked I've spoken to 2 couples who had their wedding there (both in 200 and they said it was really good and a great resort. Tripadvisor reviews are very hit or miss but I've gone with reviews from ppl on here and others in my town I know have gone and it seems to be thumbs up! Anything else you have questions about just let me know. I did a fair bit of research (looking) before we booked. Good luck with the search! Cheers, Jen
  14. pm'ing you now about them, would love to see pics, looking for hot pink!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by Jennybell1 I actually got them from Nadine, another BDW forum bride....she might be able to tell you where she got them from. I will try to ask her myself and let you know. I bought the swarovski one and waited until these came in to see the difference and really I couldnt tell the diff. The chain was a little thinner, but that was about it. $20 for one vs $140.00 score! That would be awesome, I love that necklace it is very pretty. Your BM's are very lucky! Thank you for checking that for me... Cheers,
  16. those are the cutest OOT bags, ever! great score!!!!! and thanks for the link
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by Kimmysals We are about 7 months away and only immediate family has booked so far. I think it is the nature of most people to wait. I'm sure tons of people will be booking their trips soon. reading thses threads has made me feel so much better. When FI and I first announced we were doing DW everyone was so on board and couldn't wait etc etc.. now we're 2 weeks away from the cut off for the group rate and no one, not even family has booked! I'm trying not to stress as I've heard most ppl like to wait and book later, but FI is actually making me stress as he bugs me every day to check with the TA to see if anyone has booked! thanks for venting as well, it helps !!!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by midnight24 i just got married a week ago and we didn't really have any stress beforehand or while away. a few people complained here & there during the process and when we first got to the resort. i didn't let that bother me because i know it's their personality to focus on the negative instead of the positive. i didn't over plan for the destination wedding and do too many extra things (no OOT bags, just favours). we didn't even see the area we were getting married until we walked down the aisle. i think not knowing what to expect was fun. it also helps that DH & i aren't they type of people to freak out if certain details didn't go as planned. just enjoy the process and if something starts stressing you out too much...stop and think why you are doing it. Thanks for the advice.. I think it can get really stressful if you let it.. But your idea to be as simple as possible helps to eliminate any stressors you may have. I'm an over organized and anal person so I'm doing my best not to get stressed, and I'm not going overly extravagent on favours/decorations etc.. to keep myself sane! My only stressor now is just people booking!!! Cheers,
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by Jennybell1 Wet Bikini Bags from AVON $3.00 ' alt='a>'> Starfish Necklace (same as the Saworkvski one just a heck of a lot cheaper) $20.00 [/img] Oh and I got the Monogram "M" for the Cake at Micheals for $24.99 as I couldnt find the coupon - so not a great deal but its done. [/img] Hope the pictures help! Can I ask where you got the starfish necklace from? I was looking at the Saworkvski one at a local jewelers not long ago, would love to give these to BM's.... Cheers,
  20. Congrats to all those that have booked/put deposits down... Seems for most of you things are starting to come together (or maybe just starting to get hectic). We've put deposit and insurance down, sent out STD a couple months ago and I just finished doing passport invites which I sent out last week. We're just waiting for ppl to start booking now!! We're getting married Jan 26th, 2011 (Trip Jan 24-31st) at Royal Decameron Panama and I'm counting down the days till the trip. Colours are deep purple and teal, with purple/teal/pink as accents also. I've got my dress, and almost had BM dresses but didn't get on it quick enough and they sold out of the sizes I needed (Victoria Secret dresses). So that's next on my list. It is very overwhelming, and for those that say well I've still got 8 months, don't let it fool you... It goes by so fast!!! I'm hoping to get more done this month as the summer is a write off as we're so busy! Good luck to all with the planning and organizing!! Cheers,
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by Daily2011 Ok the dress is mine!! I am so excited. I also bought two pairs of shoes for it now as well. I figured I had better get them in the Summer rather than wait off season! I'll post pictures so you all can help me figure out which ones! It seems like a lot of us are doing the Barcelo! I am sad that I will miss you all on the 19th. We leave on the 18th.. We will have to try for a cocktail. Congrats on the dress purchase! it's very exciting... I'm still on the hunt for shoes to go with my dress... I'm hoping in the next month or so more "summer" shoes will be out and I'll have more to choose from! Cheers,
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by meldal101010 I personally think STDs are the same as an invite (for a DW anyway). I mean, you wouldn't send an STD to some random person so obiously the people that recieve them are invited to the wedding. Save yourself the money and put it towards your wedding in another way. I thought the exact same thing, until I realized some people who got the Save the Date didn't bother to check the website to know they had to put a deposit down to save the rate... I spent all last night frantically making invites (which I think turned out ok- thanks to the threads on here for the help!) in order to get them out quickly as our deadline is only 2 1/2 weeks away. I still think STD is the way to go, but don't do what I did (just put the website address on and assume ppl will check it)... make sure you include information that tells the guests to go to the website, or a blurb to say when and where to book!
  23. This is great! I was just thinking/stressing today about this exact question.. I wasn't planning on sending formal invites as normally they are only sent out a couple months before the wedding. Well by then most of our guests will have already made final payments on the trip. My stressor now is that I'm worried people aren't booking b/c they aren't aware they are "invited". We sent out STD magnets about 2 months ago and put the website on the magnet. All the information is there but I still have yet to have confirmation from my TA that people are reserving their spots. I'm thinking now I should have written more on the actual magnet about the proceedure (for those that don't check the computer.- which I have a few). So do I send out a "reminder" say in a post card form (I was thinking) or invitations now? I was trying to avoid invitations to save $$. Ppl are suppose to book by end of May to guarantee the group rate we have received. Suggestions?? Ideas??
  24. what price are you looking for ?? I would be interested in the tea light holders, the lanterns Thanks, Also post a pic of the dress (if you can)!!
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