Quote: Originally Posted by OceanWonderland L&A - Yes, I've seen you on the DT thread as well Finally another November bride at the same resort. We still have some time fortunately, but I agree, there is still so much to do. It's just hard to make some decisions without having ever visited the resort, like where to have the reception or cocktatil hour, or how to decorate. But I know it will all work out in the end, even if we end up bringing nothing but ourselves. Good attitude! I picked a destination wedding b/c I didn't want to have to deal with making decisions on so many wedding choices and now I have gone off the deep end scouring this site for every last detail that I never thought of... Lol. It is more fun than I thought:) I agree with you though that not visiting the resort before is a handicap. I will be watching your posts to see how your wedding will turn out.