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Everything posted by exquisite02

  1. Hi ya Ladies, So sorry that I have been MIA in the last few months. A big Congratulations to all the new brides!!!! I really loved all your pictures and video clips. Also I would like to thank you for your honest opinions about your weddings at the GBP. I'm so shocked that they released a new package. My wedding is May 24, 2012 and I have not been told of the new package! Could someone please post the new package infomation please or I don't mind sending a private message to someone if I know you have it. I'm so confused about this option! Any help would be so great since there is such a lack of communication with this resort. Thank you Ladies for all your help.
  2. Hi Princess J, It is so nice to see that you are still on the forum after your wedding. I think this thread is a great idea and I'm sure a lot of brides will benefit from this thread. I was just wondering if you knew if people could just get pictures done at these ruins? I would love to get some pictures there! if you could help with any information that would be awesome! Thank you!
  3. Vbbbtk, what a beautiful dress! I was wondering if you could please comment on the structure and boning of this dress when you get it because on their facebook page they don't show pictures of the inside of their dresses. Thank you!
  4. So sorry to read that your dress was riped. I think if you had the time to send it back and get a refund then you should. Maybe they can still refund the money since they are sending a new tiara and necklace set as an apology? with your short time maybe a seamstress would be your best option but like everyone else said if you order another dress asap and tell them your time frame it might still work out. I was so upset to read this because i'm considering this company because of your older posts and their facebook page. They really need to inspect their dresses before shippment. Maybe you should warn the facebook page people as well.
  5. Espejo2be, Congrats on your up coming wedding! I'm sure you will have a great time! Keep positive! Can't wait to see all your pictures and read about your experience!
  6. Mekanabr, Thank you for your response it was extremely helpful to me. You have helped me to confirm my thoughts on just renting the gazebo and for sure doing the Mahoe falls for my trash the dress. Now I want lanterns and luminaries lol Thank you again!
  7. Hi Ladies, So sorry for my late response. It took less than a week to get my books and luggage tags but keep in mind that i live in the greater area of toronto. They called the night before to confirm my address. I had to borrow a camera and it is my first time posting pictures so I really hope it works. they are white plastic with the flag as it was stated before. So sorry the pictures are so large!
  8. Mekanabr, Congratulations on your beautiful wedding!!! I really love your dress and veil. Your hair style is exactly what I want my hair to look like so i'm so glad that they can do a good job at it. I was worried about having a long veil but your's is so beautiful in the wind. I'm having a cathedral veil so it might give some problems. I'm really interested in your decor. I was wondering if you can post more pictures of the decor for the ceremony and reception. I didn't think that they would put up lanterns. I would love to see pictures of your luminaries if possible as well. You also mentioned that you bought your liquor at a local store; do you remember the name? and how far is it from the resort? you wouldn't remember how much you paid for a taxi there would you? did you have to ask for the table/cups/cooler set up? did you set up the ipod station or did they help with that? Also, how far was Mahoe falls? again, do you remember how much it cost to go there? So sorry for being rude and asking about money but i want to budget extra money costs like travel to shops and Mahoe falls. I want to do my trash the dress there like other brides have done there before. So very sorry if I offended you, it is not my intention at all. Overall, your wedding sounds so beautiful and it is nice to see that everything turned out so nice for you. Thank you for the information that you have already provided and thank you for taking the time to answer all my rude questions.
  9. Daphodil, you must be so excited about your wedding in two weeks! Congrats and have lots of fun! please tell us all about it when you come back! I just wanted to tell everyone that I got my Jamaica tour Guide books and Luggage tags for free from the Jamaican tour board in Toronto. They gave us 25 of books and 25 of tags. So that's more than I need. they sent everything in less than a week. I got everything for free and didn't pay for shipping either.
  10. Just wanted to tell everyone that I got my Guide books and luggage tags yesterday and they gave us some extra ones as well.
  11. I got my Guide books and Luggage tags yesterday! They actually gave us more than what we needed! Great service! we called last thursday and they can and confirmed the night before that delivered. So we got them in less than a week. I do live in the GTA so I think someone from the office must have dropped it off because we got it after work hours. So happy with my luggage tags and that everything was for free!
  12. Thank you Future mrs K, I look forward to seeing more pictures and learning about how you "winged it" lol. i'm interested in how you did your center piece and how you got it to stay so that it looks like a big flower. Thank you for your time!
  13. Canadiangirl, Thank you for posting this! I'm getting my Fl to call right now if they are willing to ship to your location then they can ship within the greater area of toronto then too lol I really just want the free luggage tags!
  14. Dutchie800, we will be counting on you for any changes since we are getting married two months after you. My date is May 24, 2012 and ImaJoseph is May 25, 2012 (I think). I really hope brides keep posting pictures, input and reviews on here because we are so far away still. I feel bad sometimes on here because I don't really have much to offer other brides on here because they are getting married before me. it is hard to contribute when everyone has said or did it before you. I wanted to get married in early 2012 like Jan or March but I thought my cousins were coming and they are still in college so I booked for May thinking that they would come. They ended up backing out two weeks ago and instead of having 16 guests plus bride and groom ; we now have 14 guests. I should have just booked when I wanted to because we have been engaged since September 2010. Some days I think we should have just eloped but I'm happy with the guests that are coming and really all that matters is that we finally get married.
  15. Future mrs k, Your Bouquet is very beautiful!!!!!!!! I think you should put more pictures up and do a tutorial about how you made it in the diy thread cause i'm sure other bride's will want to know how you made it!!!!!!
  16. JayKay, I will try and finish my brooch bouquet before you get married in Jan. I just purchased some beads and pearls from ebay sellar named simplypie. I should get them next week. I would still like to get more brooches and rhinestone/pearl buttons though. I still need to buy a bouquet holder for it as well. I plan on using this tutorial for my bouquet: http://seamstressofavalon.blogspot.com/2010/06/brooch-bouquet-diy-part-1.html and http://seamstressofavalon.blogspot.com/2010/07/brooch-bouquet-diy-part-2.html My bouquet will only be white, silver and clear crystals. I'm a bling girl for sure! I think this above tutorial is a lot easier than other tutorials that i have seen on other blogs, websites and youtube videos.
  17. Hi ImaJoseph, I just wanted to introduce myself to you because I'm getting married the day before you! I have been hoping to meet someone on here that is getting married the same week as me. Feel free to private message me. Can't wait to chat with you about our weddings ! Ashley
  18. I too am using parasols for my bridemaids and a white one for me for pictures. I bought two lime green parasols and one white parasol from a Canadian bride on here. She too was a Jamaican bride and said that the wind wasn't that big of an issue. The parasols are in great condition so it couldn't have been that bad. One decor note, I am grateful to have gotten most of my decor items from other brides on here. The only decor item I didn't get from a bride is my centrepieces that I bought from homesense which is the ontario version of homegoods. I'm planning on making my brooch bouquet myself with my mum. So far I have brooches from my mother, grandmother and aunt. I'm using my aunt's and grandmother's earrings as well as pearls and buttons from my great aunt. I plan on buying some rhinestone buttons, glass beads and pearls from ebay. I'm still in the collecting phase so I'm glad that my wedding is a long time away. Right now i have collected 18 pieces of jewelry plus a small box of white buttons. The best part is that it all came from family so I have lots of something old.
  19. Thank you FutureMrsLewis for the extra information. it is good to know that it could take up to 2 months because this might be make me rethink about ordering my dress 5 to 6 months in advance; maybe I will order my dress in late october now so that if there is a problem I have enough time to deal with it. I'm wanting a discontinued dress. it is satin with organza overlay so hopefully it will have more structure. it is nice to know that they offer different shipping options and that they have special offers. Hopefully, I can get one of those because I will have to email them about my dress anyways. Hopefully, your dress fits correctly and I understand about posting pictures after your weddinng. Thank you to the laidies who have tips about Canadian duty. I have done a lot of shopping online but I have been lucky with not being slapped with Canadian duty as of yet. So when I buy my dress I will have my fingers crossed forsure on this because I think my dress will cost around 300-400 dollars if I end up using fushopping.com. I'm still considering Monica Bridal, babyonline and topspartner. However, I'm leaning towards fushopping more because of their website and facebook page with all the pictures. .
  20. Hello ladies, So very sorry I have been MIA for a while now. Please excuse me as I have been having similar problems as some of you with regards to family members saying they are attending and then cancelling at the very last minute. I guess this is a very common problem and i'm not freaking out because I know that I'm very lucky to have 14 guests coming as of the deadline to book with my travel agent. Canada post strike was also a big problem as well and i'm so glad that it is over with. More importantly, Congrats to all the new brides and thank you for your reviews and pictures because I still have a very long way to go for my May 24, 2012 wedding. To those brides that are having problems with their dates being changed, I feel so very terrible for you and it makes me very worried that maybe we booked our wedding and our photography too early. On note about the photography, we have hired Paul Nelson. He works throughout the greater area of Toronto and is going for our wedding and another wedding during the same week as ours. My wedding is booked on thurs and we are hoping to do a trash the dress on the friday. We are told by Paul that we have to share the friday with the other couple because their wedding is on the wed. Paul and our group leave on the saturday so Gran bahia better not change our date unless they move our date to earlier on in the week so we can do our trash the dress and our guests can attend our wedding.
  21. Oh I'm so glad you love your dress and everything seem to be working out for you! Thank you for introducing this company! i have been lurking through this thread for a long time and what I love about the company you suggested is their website and facebook page. I really love that they have posted youtube vidoes and that they have also come out with their own line of bridal gowns. The big thing that got me interested as well is the facebook page showing even more real gowns that show their workmanship and show real opinions as well. They seem to be plus size friendly as well which is kinda shocking considering some of the problems that other brides have had. Please post pictures of you in the dress on here and the facebook page. it would be very useful. I'm hoping to order a gown in nov or dec 2011 for my may 2012 wedding. I'm trying right now to save up the money becausue they are a little higher than companies found on the dhgate website. Oh question how long did it take to make and send you pictures and can you please post when you recieve it so that i know about timing. Also, if you were slapped with Canadian duty and how much did they charge for shipping as they don't seem to provide free shipping like other companies that have been suggested. when you recieve it can you please comment on structure of the dress? like if the dress has boning or built in bra! Thank you for the information and love your dress!
  22. Welcome to the new brides to be! and Congrats to all new married couples that I have missed to say congrats to. I haven't been getting on here as much as i used to but I am so glad that the info is still coming. People are now starting to book for my May 2012 wedding and have until july 2011 to get the group rate. So far I have at least two friends that are coming plus our brothers and parents! Keriltz, I know this is early to ask considering your wedding is a month away but is it possible for you to do a review on here about the jan' flowers, merrick cousley,and the webcasting. I have read the review's on the jan's and mr. cousley on here but I think it would be nice to see your opinion and pictures. The webcasting sounds so very interesting because i don't think a lot of my family will be able to make it. Another question is how much does it costs? but if you don't want to say the price then please, please do a review on this service! Thank you for your time in responding!
  23. I just recieved my veil from this ebay seller. I bought this veil...http://cgi.ebay.ca/1T-White-Wedding-Bridal-Cathedral-80-Rhinestones-Veil-/190524289863?pt=US_Veils&hash=item2c5c21f347 The shippingg was very fast and the price is amazing. it looks like the picture! Can't wait to wear it on my wedding day. I might add a little more rhinestones because I want a lot of bling. I can't believe how much money I saved on this veil!
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