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Everything posted by AngMarie113

  1. I live in Toronto and was married recently (Jan 18, 2012) at the Majestic Colonial resort in Punta Cana. We have received our marriage certifcate and accompaning documents in Spanish. I've had these documents translated to English by an accredited translator. I want to change my last name to my married name on all my documents. The first document I wanted to change was my drivers license. I was told by an agent at the Service Canada office that I had to complete an 'election to change surname' form. Submitting this form means that my name on birth certificate would change to my married name. This does not make sense to me. Is anyone having this trouble? Is there another way to change my name on my driver's license? Please help!! Thank you!
  2. I'm in the same boat. Got our marriage certificate from Punta Cana. Had it translated to English by an accredited translator here in Toronto. I've gotten mixed messages on how to change my last name. I doubt our system is the same since you live in the US and I in Canada. Good luck.
  3. Totally agree with you. DJ Mannia is too pricey for a few hours.
  4. Hi Fired Up Bride 2 Be - Congrats to you!! Yes i thought the same. DJ Mannia seems too pricey for 2hours. The resort has a DJ of their own and the price seems alot more reasonable. We were able to visit the Colonial last year to get a feel for the place and to make sure that we wanted to have our wedding there. We got a tour of the Majestic elegance also from Stephany Garcia (wedding coordinator @ Colonial). Colonial is were its at!! You've picked a great resort. We are having a Catholic ceremony in the chapel. No private dinner for us..its too expense. We have reservations at Tres Cabarales restaurant (seafood) - its free. Our reception will be at the Wet bar but we may change to the Parrot bar. Both bars are located near the pool. Our pics will be with the resort photographer. If you have any other questions let me know. Good Luck!! - Ang
  5. For the Majestic Colonial brides: what music service are you using? DJ Mannia or the resort DJ? My wedding is January 18/11 - everything is booked just deciding on which DJ to use. I've heard a ton of great things about DJ Mannia. Thanks and Best wishes to all upcoming brides to be!! ANG
  6. Yes. I'm having that dilemma as well. We plan on getting married Jan 2012. I want to get the pricing first because if there is a cheaper week in Jan 2012 then i'd book for that time frame. But i also dont want to wait too long to get pricing because i want to reserve a wedding date and time with the resort before the spaces are gone. its even more of a challenge because we are have a catholic wedding so we have to find out the availability of the priest. so confused.
  7. We will be having a December wedding (2011). I'm thinking of a personalized christmas tree ornament as our gift to our family and close friends. I havent been able to find really nice, expensive looking, ornaments. Does anyone know where to find these? I've checked some websites but they have a cartoonish, cheap look to them. Please help!! Thanks so much~
  8. Sounds great! Congrats to you & yours. Depends what you are looking for. My fiancee and had a list and finally decided on the Majestic Colonial. Our family and close friends will be attending and we needed a resort that would cater to all age groups, children activites, does amazing weddings, wasn't too crowed, golf, various wedding choices (chapel, gazebo, beach). My highly recommended advice would be to check out www.tripadvisor.com. Good luck with everything. Best Wishes.
  9. Congrats! How was the food? Which food option did you choose (silver, gold, platinum)? What was your main course?
  10. both look nice. 1st is an older look. like the colour breakup of sash. 2nd looks more modern. like the bottom of second dress.
  11. Hi ladies, How was the wedding food at Dreams, Punta Cana? Which package did you choose?
  12. No worries. People call me Ang, Angie, Angela. It's all good. I've browsed through the website for Dreams Punta Cana and viewed many tripadvisor reviews. This resort seems to be what we are looking for. Unable to get any pricing for this resort as yet as our date is too far in advance. Was told by the travel agent to get back to her the beginning of May. Have u been able to get a price for your destination?
  13. We have 5 children all under the age of 6 in our wedding party. We most definetly want the children to enjoy their stay. Is Dreams, Punta Cana a good choice?
  14. I'M IN!! Need to loose about 40 - 50lbs. My tentative wedding date is December 2011. I know I have alot of time. My problem is I start out like a champ then I fade. I've been addicted to Wii Tennis. Been playing for 2 weeks straight everyday after work. Family have said i lost weight. I will take their word for it. lol. Trying to find Wii Fit Plus..all sold out. Gyms should have a fitness class for those getting married. I'd join in an instant.
  15. Would love to check out a few resorts in the DR, Punta Cana area for weddings. Does anyone know of trips that you can do to get familiar with the wedding resorts so it makes our decision easier.
  16. Wow!! Sounds lovely. We are also planning to have our wedding at this reosrt December 2011. Is this resort kid friendly? We have our flowers girls and ring bearer all under the age of 6. We want to ensure that the resort we choose has activities for kids. Ang
  17. Hi all, Planning a wedding for the 1st week of December 2011. We have decided on Punta Cana, DR. Unfortunately we are still trying to figure out what resort would be best for wedding, family & kids (all under 6). Im interested in Dreams, Punta Cana. Any resort suggestions would be great. Thank you, ANG
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by Nicyx Hello everyone. Just wondering if any 2011 brides out there, who like me feel like its forever and a day away...... We are looking at booking the Riu Palace Riviera Maya hopefully for May 2011 we know we definatly want Mexico and we are just waiting on May 2011 prices to come out at our Travel agents. As soon as we get these we will most certainly be on our way to book..... Who else is 2011, when and where? Nicola x x Hi Nicola, Im on that list of those tying the knot in 2011. We are thinking of December 2011 in Punta Cana, DR. Still in the process of choosing a resort. Hopefully it will be decided soon.
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by JENANDKEV We're thinking of planning a trip with our wedding guests to Rick's Cafe in March 2010. I was wondering what is the best way to get there from Rui Ocho Rios...by land or by sea? Has anyone chartered and Catamaran to take a large group? Or should we stick with the excursions offered at the resort? Or would a bus tour be better? A friend and I stayed at the Holiday Sunspree in Montego Bay. We took a cab to Rick's Cafe. There was four of us. However, if there a alot of people going perhaps you want to stick with the resort tour.
  20. Hi all, My name is Angela. Wedding date is not set, however we are entertaining the idea of December 2011. We are leaning towards Dominican Republic, Punta Cana, Dreams Resort. I'm glad I stumbled upon this website. Angela
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