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Everything posted by Tennyt1

  1. I dunno never saw it. yellow gold jewelery?
  2. I have not checked in awhile but I have been keeping up with my work outs. So far 5 miles on the treadmill and I intend to go to the gym tonight.
  3. the best: PIZZA (forgive me I'm dieting)
  4. Does GP charge a vendor fee for using an outside vendor? I have been reading that some of the other AI's do? If so what is it?
  5. How far is this resort from Montego Bay? Does anyone know? Also what is the night life like around these grounds, we have a lot of young people coming to our wedding and don't want them to be bored as we are sure they are going to want to party most nights.
  6. Church! The message today was about our relationships with our partners and our relationship with the church. It was amazing!
  7. I like the show a whole lot too, it's on of my favorite 'wedding' shows on tv
  8. Thanks for this information. What is the vendor fee? I am seriously considering RMB for my wedding next Year.
  9. Only the single folks are bring guest..their dates. The others are invited as couples
  10. I would start my own business non-profit or otherwise. Do you enjoy your current job?
  11. Please email me the pics also. As I too was interested in the tropical beach location.
  12. like. it is too cute. macaroni and cheese
  13. like Couple's Retreat (the movie)
  14. Seth Green: The Italian Job
  15. Welcome and congrats! I am also on a budget (who isn't these days)! Where the wedding is concerned I'm finding that prices are negotiable. But as for hotel stays and airfare you just have to keep looking to find a good price
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