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Everything posted by Tennyt1

  1. You are right... I had only 7lbs more to go since I started this process in March. I still have time and there are going to be ups and downs. Thanks hat0012.
  2. Have any of the Chocolate brides here gotten their hair done at SGOR or will be getting it done there for the wedding? I may have to use the resort salon, I just want to know what your thoughts are.
  3. I completely fell off the wagon for the last week and a half....please help motivate me....I have been very stressed with all things....and therefore eating eating eating...I even had the forrbidden fat buger (McDonald's).
  4. I completely fell off the wagon....please help motivate me....I have been very stressed....and therefore eating eating eating...I even had the forrbidden fat buger (McDonald's).
  5. I wasn't even planning on doing RSVP's - but now you guy have me reconsidering. I was just going to go by the number of people who have booked through our resort. And I'm not sending out my invites until maybe November. I sent out the STD in March so everyone already know the what, when, where and who to call. If you guys have read any of my past post, at this point I don't really care anymore who is coming as long as the FI and I are there I'm good....anyones who comes cool....if not that's cool too! Selfish I know but I'm learning that we have to be that way sometimes, otherwise we as brides will go loco!
  6. I bought my dress last weekend too!!! Very exciting it is amazing!!! Â On to photography and invites...this is what I'm going to work on now.
  7. You guys are as far ahead of me.....I feel so left behind.
  8. I'm a HUGE James Patterson fan - I'm currently reading Swimsuit.
  9. So confused today with my dress shopping. I bought a dress at a sale (because I didn't want to loose out just in case), then found another which I think I love. I just don't know what to do.
  10. Kelly is that for all the tables or for just the head table. I thought the additonal tables were going to be bear?
  11. That booty camp class sound like fun - I love junk food so I have sub them for the 100 calorie pack snacks. I try to limit my self to no more than 1 of these a day though. I also love the Jello- chocolate sensations - they are very low carb and sugar too. Yummy! Â I am now down 24.6 lbs since February, I have about 11lbs to go. It is a journey but so worth it so keep up the good work ladies!!!
  12. I'm also doing the BB - I was considering bringing candle holders and candles for the additional tables - but I'm not even sure if I'm going to do that anymore since we are only have the mini reception I doubt anybody will even notice, plus the scenry is amazing so that will be our decor. Then again, I still have time to do what I do best....change my mind
  13. Katie, Your dress looks amazying on you!! Congrats on finding 'the one' already!!!!!
  14. QueenDiva, I'm going to this event next month how was your experience???? To all the brides here can you post pics?
  15. I'm goint to help with the dresses maybe half or something like that!
  16. We are thining about having one too. And I actully do want to mention our registriy on the very informal invite that we are sending out. Also, we will be hosting.
  17. I waited a while but most family and friends found out through FB anyway.
  18. I'm doing Beautiful Beginnings also at SGOR and I was only considering upgrading my bouquet.
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by Mrs Price 2010 I love heals!! My wedding shoes are 5 inches (13cm) high and gorgeous! But I'm not getting married on a beach! If I was I'd go for wedges also, I don't feel dressed up if I don't have my heals on!! I agree completely!!!
  20. After almost a month I was able to lose another 2lbs so I'm down 21lbs so far It is getting harder and harder to loose - Is anyone else find that to be true? I still have about 15lbs to go. I know I can't give up and I have to keep working at it - so that's my advise to you ladies....Also I was told to have my carbs earlier in the day rather than in the evening - try it - I hope it works!
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by Lolita29 I ordered 100 petal envelopes, 100 blue cardstock, 100 vellum and 200 champaigne text paper from paperandmore.com for $160 including shipping and they also cut the paper to the measurements i requested so all i did was use adhesive to layer the blue cardstock and champaigne text paper and just put the vellum over the invite with the letter to our last name. It was super easy! The adhesive is also removeable so it makes it easy to place on move around and it sticks really well. Only way for the paper to seperate is for you to pull lit. And my RSVP's were postcards from vistaprint.com Sorry if i'm imposing but what measurements did you use?
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