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Everything posted by Tennyt1

  1. As of right now, yes I'm paying per guest.
  2. She didn't know she was a fill in....I just asked her and she doesn;t know the other friend or anyone eles besides my FI.
  3. I really don't care to have her there...but how do I say that. What is a nice way to put it. Maybe I will just say that she can come with only 1 guest...
  4. Michele that is an awesome dress
  5. **I need advice*** So I have been engaged for 2 years...because when I first got engaged my mom was ill and passed away 6 months later. I have been mourning but my family has been helping me get through and when I say family I am including FI. So now I'm working on this wedding and as you all know from prior post my MOH is not having a great pregnancy and she won't be able to attend the wedding. So I asked another friend to stand in....but she sent me a lovely letter (sarcasm) stating that our friendship is not the same because I have been mourning and didn't go to her BDAY party and she doubts that she will be able to come to the wedding, because she is trying to plan other vacations this year....WOW OK..... So I thought OK fine...we aren't friends anymore..I can deal. So on Friday now she send me an email that she will be in Jamaica for someone elses birthday right at the time of my wedding and asks if its OK for her to bring 3 guest. And she want in on the excursions and anything else that I'm planning for the wedding..... What should I do?
  6. Mocha, I would have never thought of Halloween untill you just brought it up.....
  7. Kim, did you do the sand cermeony? And did you have them provide it for you if you did?
  8. Wow you looked great!! how long did it take you to loose the 15lbs?
  9. Char, I love those dresses also!!!
  10. Moca, That dress is awesome! And the GM don't have to match your FI. He should be the shining star on the male group so I think they would be fine without the blazers
  11. We sent our paper work in the same weekend we booked the resort. My FI's original paper work is in french.. and I really didn't want to have any problems.
  12. Brandy! I love these last two wine stoppers.
  13. nothing in particular just something nice that I would mind recieving if I were the guest you know...
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