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Everything posted by Tennyt1

  1. I used to be a 34D...I lost weight and lost the twins....oh I do miss them!
  2. Congrats Acireta! that is great. Keep up the good work! I love WW
  3. ofcourse Apola! Welcome aboard!
  4. Yay Brandy that is great news!!!!
  5. old navy has bandeau also - I would go there and try them on if you can. I'm not sure where you are located but the Bra Smyth has some too and they may have more support but are more pricey
  6. 62 days!!! YIKES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. I think I'm going to go with this hair because it will work well with my flower and birdcage veil. And my Friend is giving me hair clips! What do you guys think? And how do the hair clips work..she said I can put them in my self
  8. yall have convinced me to try old navy....I have purchased at target too but last time I did and went to Jamaica I saw like 3 people with the same suit!!! I don't like that at all.
  9. I am going to hyphenate my name....just adding his to what I already got!
  10. Ladies, I want to thank you all so much, I think you all are amazing friends that we can discuss pretty much anything not just wedding related items. I appreciate you all. Bailey, You are right the focus should be on my FI and myself and I am not going to worry about so called friends. It is about the 2 of us and nobody else.
  11. Mocha - you can try K&G fashions for the tie if there is one by you. The have lots of colors we got and orange for your GM for $9.99! Hope that helps
  12. Thank you Greys and Lisa! Lisa my FI says the same thing that is is more becuase of jealousy that I'm getting married and as you said she is still single.
  13. It is not based on age either.... I think you are as young as you feel so wear what feels good to you!
  14. Yeah, her email has been in my inbox for a few days now...I need to send a response soon. Thanks for helping ladies
  15. I like that .....I think I'm going to quote some of this. Thanks!
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