Pam - Have a great time in Kananaskis this weekend..I'm super jealous!! My FI has to work all weekend or we would be going out too, snow, rain or shine!! I'll be studying this weekend and working on wedding stuff and a night out with the girls too!
Aly - wow, you are REALLY nice to your 'problem guests' but if it I think if 3 people went that route, then it was worth your time and effort!
You guys have given me soo much to think about with great advice and maybe prepare myself now(I don't think that you can be prepared enough) for all the situations that might arise. I'm waiting for some quotes from some agencies, so we'll see what they come back fingers are crossed!
Boo - Way to write that nasty letter, it payed off for you and I'm glad it did!!
Have a great long weekend girls!! Lets hope the sun stays out!