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Everything posted by tsgnatko

  1. I got a wedding website and they give me a keepsake CD after you purchase it - my site is ewedding.com
  2. I made boarding pass save the date and my travel agent is doing the real invite - cost on her - pretty cool huh
  3. Jennifer & Michael - 5/7/2010 Jessica & Robbie - 5/15/2010 Margaret & Matthew - 5/15/2010 Alison & Mike - 5/20/2010 Megan & Jason - 5/21/2010 LeAnn and Matt- 5/24/2010 Ashley & ? - 5/30/2010 Rachelle & Randal - 6/3/2010 Nancy & Bruce - 6/11/2010 aperkins7- 6/12/2010 Diana & David- 6/13/2010 Erica & John – 6/19/2010 carlychristine - 6/22/2010 Evelilna & Phil - 6/25/2010 Aleka & Maka- 7/7/2010 Leah & Chris- 7/9/2010 Allison & ? – 7/24/2010 Cathy & Chin – 7/29/2010 Kelvin & Leydi – 7/30/2010 John & Lili – 8/1/2010 Alison & Jimmy 8/8/2010 Thao & Triet: 9/3/2010 Nikki & Tyler- 9/17/2010 Casey & Ron - 9/18/2010 Sarah & Joe – 9/18/2010 Mindy & Joe - /10/4/2010 Toni & Jake – 10/8/2010 Vix1383 – 10/16/2010 Adrian & Peter 10/17/2010 Kym & Brian – 10/19/2010 Emma & ? - 10/23/2010 Robyn and Chris- 10/24/2010 Reagan & Brent – 10/26/2010 wisconsionbride - 10/28/2010 Rachael & Alex - 10/31/2010 Chelsey & Travis- 11/5/2010 April & Reggie – 11/6/2010 Jannine & Pete- 11/11/2010 Ashley & Mark- 11/15/2010 Kate and Cam - 11/19/2010 Tracy & ? -11/26/2010 lnf_munchkin - 11/27/2010 Lori and Jason- 11/29/2010 t1219 – 11/30/2010 Heather & Braden- 12/6/2010 Angela & Craig - 12/8/2010 allegraapple – 12/12/2010 majimart – 12/17/2010 volosikj-1/15/2011 Steve and Amy 2/04/2011 Tara & Andy 2/10/11 rscherle- 2/19/2011 saymyname74- 3/5/2011 Melissa & Michael - 4/22/11 Ursula & Matt - 5/07/2011 Melissa & Nathanael 5/8/11 Leanne & Adam 5/14/2011
  4. I have 7 months to go and I can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All this info gets me sooooo soooo excited
  5. OMG took the long weekend off and full of way tooo much a good time with booze and food - gotta get back to it tonight
  6. I am getting married on the same day in Mexico - i almost chose the DR but went with Mexico - congrats
  7. type Dreams RIVIERA CANCUN in the search box and will find a thread with about 300 pages of postings
  8. tsgnatko


    Hi and welcome I am getting married 2/10/11 in mexico
  9. WOW i have to go to the dollar tree now after work!!! Thank you
  10. I am still trying to get there - I don't want to post nonsense but i don't know what else to do besides keep saying congrats and thanks for the ideas
  11. RUN RUN and keep RUNNING - it is the easiest way to slim down and look leaner - I started running 2 years ago and haven't lost weight but everyone always tells me i look like I lost 10-20 pounds it really really leans you out - plus you can still eat
  12. tsgnatko


    Congratulations - and happy planning
  13. i wish there was a way to get all info without doing all the posts
  14. I found a resort that doesn't charge a day pass - that is great
  15. we are getting married in february and doing the AHR in June
  16. I hate my tattoo and want to get it removed - I ask my FI for that as a wedding gift
  17. You guys are going to hate me but I just found this post and I have already ran 290 miles in 2010 so let me add that to the total 830.24 + 290 = 1,120.24 I just finished my firth half marathon
  18. I'm a 2011 bride and can't wait a little over 7 months away
  19. So should we just pay the 1 time fee in order to get access to everything
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