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Everything posted by Josie1073

  1. I went to a DW last year, and received an OOT bag. More than half the stuff in the bag never got used. It was a nice gesture though. There are only 6 of us in total going to Jamaica, so my FI and I are planning and paying for an excursion off the resort as a thank you to the 4 guests - I think a cruise to Rick's Cafe. Plus, the BM and MOH will receive nice gifts at our going away dinner.
  2. We had our engagement party in January of this year at a friend's Italian restaurant. It was a luncheon in the late afternoon - but 3 course sit down lunch - it was so good! We threw it ourselves for our families and close friends to meet. It was about 30 people at $22 per person. We did have a cash bar, and noted that on the invites. We figured that since it was the middle of the afternoon, most wouldn't be drinking anyway, and the lunch included non-alcoholic drinks. I hired a co-worker to be the photographer - she dabbles in amateur photography, and now I have wonderful pictures of both our families and friends. We didn't say anything about gifts, but did register just in case anyone asked - and some family did ask. We get married 12/2 of this year, and are having our AHR on 12/11, the day after we get back, at the same restaurant as the engagement party - this time a buffet dinner reception - we are circling back to the place where we first celebrated our upcoming union
  3. well, ladies, I have not asked her, and I am glad I have not...turns out this couple hasn't even booked yet. They do have some time though (less than 4 months to go now but I have a feeling they won't book). So, now we are down to just 2 others coming with us, just as we thought from the beginning... Thanks for all of your input!
  4. Welcome Hannah and congrats! I too am marrying in Negril at the Sandals resort. We just have 4 others coming with us. You will find a ton of useful information on this site. Happy planning!
  5. Congrats and welcome to the forum! Good luck with all your last minute planning and have a wonderful time in Negril! My FI and I will be at Sandals Negril in December. You will have to post a review when you come back!
  6. My WC in Miami told me that the only two colors they offer for BB weddings in the orchids is white or purple. I tried to push my way into other colors without paying for an upgrade, but no luck. Since my colors are hot pink and orange, and I am trying to save money, I am bringing real touch flowers for me and the wedding party. Plus, we can't take real flowers home anyway. No one will know the difference in the pictures
  7. I agree - it's not tacky at all. We are having a sit down dinner at a friend's restaurant for about 50 people - but not doing any of the formal things a wedding reception usually entails. Hors d'oeuvres on a Friday night sounds just fine! Keeping costs down for us was extremely important as well.
  8. My FI and I are getting married in December, and there will only be 6 of us in total in Jamaica. Most of our friends and family couldn't afford to go - we are having a dinner reception the day after we get back for all who couldn't attend. The four going with us are the closest friends, so I think having them there will make the day very special! The number of guests doesn't concern me, and there is a LOT less planning And it will absolutely be fun...we can't stop talking about it, including our four guests, and wish December was here already!
  9. Congrats and welcome to the forum! We will be at Sandals Negril Jamaica the week after you for our 12/2 wedding. Happy planning!
  10. Congrats and welcome to the forum! Your wedding is just around the corner! We will be in Negril in December. Fingers crossed for great weather - have fun with your final planning!
  11. Congrats and welcome to the forum! I love Jamaica too - we are marrying in Negril in December. Happy planning!
  12. Congrats and welcome to the forum from another Jamaica bride-to-be! Happy planning!
  13. Hey Ginger, We are just doing the BB package and having our "reception" at one of the restaurants after the ceremony. We are a small group of just 6 people, so to us, spending money on a reception didn't make sense. We instead are booking an excursion the day after the wedding for our guests as a thank you for joining us in Jamaica
  14. My FI and I had planned a big traditional wedding, but after dealing with drama right from the start, we ditched that idea and decided to have a DW! We invited our small families and the original wedding party, but only 4 people are coming with us. We instead will have an AHR for everyone the day after we get back. We knew our families weren't coming, but some of them were creating the drama from the start, so it is a sigh of relief to leave them behind...but I have to say it makes me sad that my mom won't be there (financial reasons only). Do what you feel is best and what will make you both happy, and in the end, it will be worth it! Good luck!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by mrs*j*2011 I am the 2011 bride and I actually got a voicemail from my WC this afternoon telling me they would honor the promo price on the photography package as long as I book and pay in full by this Wednesday. I will have to thank my TA tomorrow, whatever she did must have worked because they were not making any exceptions at all when we asked a few weeks ago. That's great news! So glad you are able to get in on the deal
  16. You only qualify for a free Beautiful Beginnings package with a stay of 6 nights or longer booked in a concierge level room or higher. The fees are different for each island: $250 (Jamaica), $500 (Antigua), $500 (St. Lucia), $500 (Bahamas) and $700 (Turks & Caicos). In the Beautiful Beginnings package with a "standard reception," it only includes the Bride and Groom and 2 guests. Any more than 2 guests, you will need to pay $15 per person for each extra guest - so you have 4 extra guests. This standard reception only include a 30 minute cocktail reception with the cake, champagne toast and cold hors d'oeuvres. I have the Sandals Wedding Sales kit - if you want a copy, PM me your email address
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by shanbeth I have a etiquette question on bridal shower. Do I need the AHR invites to go out before I do the bridal shower so people realize that even if they are not coming to the destination wedding(or did not get invited) they are invited to celebrate with us at a reception? This is a hard one! I am sending Save the Dates for the AHR this month. My AHR is on 12/11 for which I will send those invites in October. This way, those not going to Jamaica will know about the AHR well before my MOH sends out the shower invites. And I feel the same way as you! I am 36, and probably the last of all my friends to marry, so I have been a BM numerous times and attended plenty of bridal and baby showers...it's my turn now
  18. Yep, it will just be the 6 of us! 2 of my bridemaids are now pregnant and one is getting married 2 weeks before my wedding, so she'll be at her honeymoon, and my last bridemaid is not financially able to attend. I feel the same way, that she is not really close to me and that she shouldn't be a BM...I think I just feel bad that she's the only person not having a role going to Jamaica.
  19. I have asked people at home and have not been giving much of an answer on this... We originally were planning a traditional wedding at home. My FI and I each asked 5 people to be in the wedding, plus one mutual friend, who would be the reader. After ditching the traditional plan and changing to a DW, we only invited family and those who were to be in the wedding party, knowing that the family would not come (mostly financial reasons - having an AHR for them instead), and only a handful of the wedding party would come. That being said, up until recent, only the MOH and the reader were going. My FI was going to make the reader his BM. But now, we just found out - his original BM is going to Jamaica with his wife. So, my "reader" is now just a groomsman, I guess, because he still feels he is part of the wedding party, and he is! Now, with the BM coming, what am I to do with his wife? She was not in the wedding party (I have only known her for a short while), but since they are only 6 of us in total, and only she is not a "part" of the wedding, should I ask her to be a bridesmaid? I don't know her very well, but I don't want her feeling left out - she will be the only person in the "audience." But I also don't want her feeling like she has to buy a "bridesmaid" dress (yes, I am anal and would want her to match my colors!), if that would put her on the spot. What should I do?
  20. Hey Mel! Welcome to the forum and congrats! Have fun planning!
  21. Congrats and welcome from a fellow Jamaica bride to be! Happy planning!
  22. Congrats and thanks for sharing! Your pictures are beautiful, and I loved your dress!
  23. I'm doing the same colors - hot pink and orange. MOH has a hot pink dress, which she is wearing in Jamaica and at the AHR, which is one day after me and the hubby return. Our AHR is at a friend's restaurant, so we will just be using a small decorations, such as pink and orange gerber daisies on the tables and the cake, and the favors and invites will be in our colors. And my shoes are hot pink too!
  24. Quote: Originally Posted by jamaica0510 Sorry I haven't been on here in a while. It was amazing! We didn't want to come back! We only stayed the one week at Sandals Negril. Two weeks would have been great but not in our budget. I am going to post a review that will hopefully be helpful to anyone going there when I get a chance. It wasn't hard to do the off resort wedding, I found a good wedding planner who made everything wonderful. Jamaica Wedding Planner, Negril Wedding Planner, Weddings in Jamaica, Destination Weddings, Wedding Planner in Jamaica, Getting married in Jamaica, Wedding in Jamaica That is her website Dawn Sherman was who I dealt with. I told her our budget and she took care of everything. I will work on getting some pics on here. I do have a few on facebook if you are on there? Can't wait to read the review and see some pictures! I am on facebook so PM me your name and I will look you up!
  25. Quote: Originally Posted by mrs*j*2011 Josie - I knew someone else commented on that thread! I also saw the information on the Facebook Weddingmoons page. Leslie over there clarified it is for the remainder of 2010, the only stipulation is the package must be booked and paid in full by the end of June. I also had my TA speak with my WC at Sandals to see if they would allow the promo to be extended for me (what's 2 measly days?) but she was denied. That's a shame they won't extend the promo for only 2 days! I wish I could get in on this, but unfortunately, I don't have the budget now to pay for package by the end of June It's a great deal!
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