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Everything posted by gersbja

  1. gersbja


    Hello All A little bit about me! I finally get to spend the rest of my life with the man of my dreams I have not yet set a date of when i would like to get married, i havn't also fully decided on a location. I currently live in Phoenix AZ and i would love to get Married in Sedona AZ, it is So So So beautiful there. I consider it a DW because both of our families are back east in New York. Also i was thinking once we get Married here, (with only are closest family and a few friends) We can have a AHR when we move back to New York, which can act as a welcome Home/Please celebrate our marriage with us Party?? After we get married we are going to plan on moving back East within a Month or 2 at the most. I think since AZ has played such a big role in our relationship it would be so memorable and meaningfull to get married here. I cant seem to find any posts about Sedona on here yet. But any input advice or suggestions would be great! Congrats to all, i look forward to chatting with you!
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