I thought I had seen somewhere on this website that if you have more than 50 guests at the ROR that you HAVE to have a private dinner which costs $50-$55 a person. Is this true? Is there any leway on this? We were planning on 50-60 people but wanted the semi private dinner at the steakhouse because it is free. So if I have 50 I'm ok? but anything over that will be an extra $2500-$3000?? Do I have that right? Any other cheaper options?
Also does anyone have any pics of a poolside reception at the ROR. THat is what we are leaning towards but would love to see the setup. Also curious to those that have used the paper lanters poolside, what size lantern did you get?
Thanks. I just started this process in the past month and like most others, have found this website so very, very, helpful. Thanks to all of you!!! Still trying to figure out how to best search though. This can be very time consuming!