I think the rhyme is super cute. Needs just a touch of tweeking. Let's see if this helps:
He proposed and she said yes!
Where we're getting married you'll never guess.
It wont be in summer, but the cold month of January.
Outside won't be snowy, there's no need to worry.
It's gonna be really hot, we can promise you that.
You wont need a parka, boots, or a hat!
So where are we going? Well, we'll tell you right now.
We're going to Jamaica mon, can't wait to go down!
We'll be celebrating Jan 8th-15th so you've got a bit of a wait.
We're gonna have an amazing time so be sure to save the date!
Don't know if you like it or even if it's more flowy but sometimes, a different perspective is good. Good luck with whatever you decide. You started it great! Very creative!