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Everything posted by JENISE

  1. Msjulie - I ordered them from wedideas. The link to the site is under the last picture. Mischaka - the MOH is 6 inches and mine is 9 inches Mallory57 - I'll be sure to post final pics as soon as they come in. Thanks again ladies
  2. Thanks girls for putting my mind at ease. One less thing to stress about with less than a month and a half to go.
  3. Oh man, wish they would've had this sale earlier. I bought mine for $1 each. What a good find though, I'm sure other brides will take advantage of it.
  4. Hi girls, I just got the proofs for mine and my MOH's bouquets. Since I've only ever been to one other wedding...I'm wondering if the bouqet is the right size. I didn't want anything ginormous but I really don't want it to look to small. Can you give me your opinions on the look and size of them? Please note: ribbons have not been added as they do that right before shipping. My sisters (MOH) bouqet......which will have a hot pink ribbon once it ships: My bouquet, which has a rhinestone in the middle of each orchid, will ship with an ivory ribbon and a rhinestone handle (I <3 sparkly things. lol) In case anyone was wondering, I got these from Realistic Silk Wedding Flowers, Natural Touch and Silk Bridal Bouquets Thanks in advance for all the thoughts!
  5. I personally think Kristen is a dark horse in the competition. The girls with the exception of Kathy don't seem to like her much but the guys really like her. Her and Hayden are close and she actually plays the game REALLY well, she's just not out there with all her business like some of the other castmates are. She's one they DEFINETLY have to watch out for. And yes, they totally need another twist. Like, they should make Matt America's Player or something! That'd be fun to just watch him play pranks on people
  6. So I have this one teaser from my BD shoot with one of the bracelets...I'm hoping to get more shots of it when the rest of the photos come in. Still waiting on my Bridal Shower pics to be sent to me. In the meantime: Gorgeous bracelet. Looked perfect with my soccer outfit as it looked like a blinged out sweat band. LOL.
  7. Aw, that's an awesome engagement story. It actually made me teary eyed because my Fiance proposed to me under the London Eye Isn't it such a beautiful setting? Overlooking all of London with Big Ben right across the way. AH, GOOSEBUMPS! lol Congratulations and good luck with the move to the UK.
  8. I had this same issue for only a few couples. Here's my logic and what I did: To save money I sent it to one household and addressed it to both their names. Typically, I sent it to the female in the relationship as I felt se would RSVP and put it on her fridge to remember where as the men would just put it in a junk pile and totally forget to tell his partner. LOL. It does make sense though if you think about it. I'd send it to one household (the most responsible one) and address it to the two people. Good luck!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by Thomasjsgirl It's great to see our girls branch out like this! Are you going to post pics of you wearing the bracelet? Of course! I'm waiting for my girls to send me pictures of the party. I hope to have some pics this weekend. Stay tuned.....lol
  10. Hey Jenn, how'd you find that stuff out? I watch Showtime After Dark and it wasn't on there. Is there something else I'm missing?
  11. Hi Ladies, Just came in to give a HUGE shot out to one of our own BDW girls who just opened her Etsy shop about a month ago. (Cristinimartini) She made me a one of a kind bracelet for my bridal shower and I can't even begin to tell you how much of a hit it was! It's gorgeous indoors but man does it sparkle outside. When you get a moment, go take a look at her store. She's working on making me a bracelet for my wedding (can't wait to see it!) and I also used her bracelets for my BD shoot (they photograph great also) Thanks Christine for helping me make a unique piece for my wedding that I will cherish forever! Here's the link: Shiney Object by Hancoli by ShineyObject on Etsy
  12. Great pics. I also like the playfulness of the pictures. LOVE the 4th one with the leopard pumps! That's hot. I'm sure it'll be the best b-day gift ever!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by **~Jenn~** Hi Ladies! Ive been Big Brother Obessed since Season 2! However, I am having a real hard time liking this crew. I think they are really boring so far. I hope it gets better!! I kind of thought Annie was the Sabatour, But when I realized that she was getting voted out (I read the live updates) I didn't think Big Brother would let the Sab get voted out on the first Eviction, WTF!! So I corssed her off of my list..LOL Guess I was wrong. What;s the point of the this big twist if it's over week 1? As for the life long friends...I think it's Kristen & Hayden. They have a Secret Shomance but they act like they know each other. Also, Lane & Brittany are very Chummy as well. I don't buy the Kathy/Brittany thing, although ALOT of people think so! They are doing the Have/Have not comp now, But they should be finding out that Annie was the Sabatour by tomorrow the lastest! Can;t wait...lol Maybe they will find out right before Noms tonight? Not sure. I don't think it's Kathy & Brittany either. But honestly, I don't think ANY two people there no each other. That was just a fake twist to throw everyone of the saboteur's trail (at least that's my theory) But I do like your thought about Kristen and Hayden. If I didn't think it was completely made up, I'd go with your theory cause it's good! I don't think they'll reveal the saboteur until after the noms. If they do, it's stupid! I'm kinda sad the twist is done the first week even though Annie was annoying me with how hard she was playing! *****SPOILER ALERT******** well kinda but not really. Last night in Rachel's HOH basket, she finally got the tequilla (Patron) she's been asking for. SO her and Brenden ended up drinking almost all of the mini bottle and boy were they making out under the covers last night. Worst of all is that she was actually pretty wasted and all she did when she went downstairs to hang with the other houseguests was giggle like a banshee (and if you're like me, her laugh is already annoying when it's here and there but this was constant!) Can't wait for Sunday's show ladies
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by ashley1316 You are amazingly hot! he is going to love them! where is this fab Jen based out of? Jen is in Queens, NY Her work is awesome but I recommend every bride do a shoot wherever you can. It's just so empowering! Plus, I feel like sometimes, us brides get so wrapped up in planning that we forget to have "me" time and this is a great way to do it! Good luck ladies and thanks for the compliments again. Means a lot coming from my BDW girls!
  15. I too am excited to see who the saboteur is! I totally think it's a girl. IDK why. We'll see tonight though. How about the 2 lifelong friends? Thoughts on that? I totally think that's made up by the sab to take the focus off trying to figure out their identity.
  16. Thank you ladies for all the wonderful comments. It really was a blast. Christine, you like my bracelets huh? I know this girl who makes them herself and they look amazing! lol Damaris...9 days? How freaking exciting! Nic, the only advice I could give is: Make sure Oksana does your makeup. Bring lots of outfits cause Jen will help you choose which ones photograph the best. Breathe (and maybe a shot of tequilla like me) lol. Jen will totally take care of the rest.
  17. eholt...I too tried on your first dress and it was actually my runner up choice before choosing something else. One of the big cons for me was that the dress was really heavy. Did you feel the same way? I think they both look great on you. Good luck deciding.
  18. So let me just start off by saying how amazing Jen (from Jenerations) is! I was so nervous when I first got there but she quickly put me at ease. She's professional and fun and definetly knows what shes doing. I would recommend her to anyone and everyone I know. She made this BD shoot one of the most memorable and enjoyable experiences of this whole wedding process. The only bad news is that now I have to wait a month and a half before I can show my FH the pics and I'm dying to just spill the beans NOW! lol. And of course, can't forget about Oksana. WOW! The reviews about her were right on the money. The makeup that she does is out of this world. She knows how to bring out your best features and transform you into a glamour goddess. And she's got an awesome sense of humor to boot. Thank you Jen, Oksana, and your whole crew for an amazing time and great memories. So here are a few teasers I got yesterday ( 1 day after my shoot =] )
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by lrdavis23 Hey Jenise are you friends with me on FB ? if so I do have most of my pictures up there too, writing a review is hard work lol.... it makes me really appreciate all the brides that have wrote reviews for us. so I'm working on it ladies Hey Toya, I honestly think I'm the only person in the world that doesn't have FB. lol. If you ever get a minute, can you email me some teasers? [email protected] Thanks doll!
  20. So glad you had an awesome time Nat. Have a safe trip back. Time flies when you're having fun but at least you'll have beautiful pictures to look back on. Misty, they still haven't responded to you? I'm shocked. Don't freak out love. I'm sure everything will be just fine. Toya, welcome back and congrats again. Is it a relief to have all your parties done? I wanna see wedding and AHR pics when you have the time to breathe. lol I just had my Lingerie Bridal Shower on Saturday and I must say, it was amazing. Decided to do the lingerie shower because tomorrow is my BD shoot with Jen (freaking out on the inside). I'll post pics of the shower ASAP! Cause we're all picture whores here. lol. And I say that with the upmost respect of course. It's now all starting to feel REAL. 1 1/2 months to go!
  21. I'm with you girls. I think it's Kathy. But....if it's not her, my hunch after watching Showtime is that it's a girl. At least that's what all the houseguests are thinking too. We shall soon see! I hope it's not Brittany. I <3 her and Matt and Reagan. Showtimes has already told me.... who wins POV and/if it was used to save either Rachel or Brenden.... I feel like buying Showtime for all of you so we can ALL talk about the spoilers. Lol.
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by PynkLemonade You did a great job mama! I am so proud of you and glad that I inspired you on your first DIY project! Best of luck I agree. I think both your save the dates came out fabulous! Congrats and let the inspiring continue. lol
  23. Miss Delerium...next episode is today. The shows air on Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday
  24. Ok Ladies...I'm here to fill you in on why I think WE should ALL have Showtime (Big Brother After Dark) Here are a couple things I learned from watching it for the first time in the wee hours of the morning (lol) -Houseguests have been in the house for 6 days already -In the words of Enzo (Jersey boy) "Things are getting really ugly really fast" -Who's nominated for eviction -Which one of the 2 they REALLY want to go home -Who's playing in the VETO comp -Who's a have and have-not -Who the houseguest think the saboteur is -Cliques that have already formed and who is the "outsider" -First showmance of the season SPOILER ALERT: Just kidding. I wouldn't wanna spoil the surprises, but if you're like me....you just HAVE to get Showtime! It's amazing! Let me know if you ladies have any questions. From what I can already tell, this season is going to be one to remember.
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