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Everything posted by JENISE

  1. Hi Tee, I'm also a DR bride with 4 months to go! Welcome to the family and happy planning.
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by hunniebee724 Sent out the invitations last week and received our first response yesterday! We're getting married on embarkation day, so we have both cruising (obviously know who they are) and non-cruising guests....hopefully the non-cruising guests will get their response cards back by the May 15th deadline! I'm so excited for you! If you're anything like I was, getting that first response card back was like the highlight of my day. I was so exciting. It put things in perspective like "ok, we're really getting married" lol. Good luck getting the rest of you RSVP's. My due date for them was March 15 and I have still to get 7 back (mind you, I only sent out 24 invites)!!!! Frustrating to say the least. But I wish you the best of luck with everything. Cruise wedding? That's so exciting!
  3. I was looking into doing a session with Jen around July 17 because I leave August 24 and need my pics before I go. I think that we can all book together and get the discount but we can still go on different days. I have to find the email but I think it was something like 2 girls 5% off 3 girls 10% off and so on. If you want to do the "group" rate, I think we might have to do it on the same day. Let me know what you ladies decide and feel free to PM me. Gotta book soon cause she fills up quick. Thanks ya'll


    Hi Emily Congrats on your recent engagement. I'm sure if you ask all of us, Destination Wedding is the way to go! LOL. Read the posts and do some research. I'm sure you'll make the right decision! Congrats again and welcome.
  5. I've changed my wedding colors 3 times before finally choosing THE ONE! I originally like deep purple like you with lime green. I then chose turquoise with orange. And finally, I've decided on turquoise and fuschia. I think we are along the same lines as far as colors go. I personally cannot see baby blue with purple but that's just my thought. Maybe one of the color combos above can work for you guys. Its all about compromise. Why don't you buy a couple sample swatches and play with what you think may work? Good luck and let us know what your final decision is
  6. Zombieland:Woody Harleson
  7. I really like it! I think it looks really elegant. My only suggestion would be to add some color somewhere. Maybe have the "H" be one of your wedding colors and then the names in black and white. Good luck deciding.
  8. I think that most girls KNOW who they've always pictured right beside them on their wedding day. These are supposed to be family or really important friends in your life and for this reason, I think they will definetly make the trip to watch you get married. I don't think you should wait for people to RSVP. That's just me though. I feel like it takes away from the excitement and special moment of asking someone to be in your wedding party. I wish you the best of luck in deciding. Let us know how you make out.
  9. I have my sister as my MOH and I bought her dress! But she's the only girl in my wedding party. Not sure if I would do the same if I had a large wedding party though. I agree with most of the girls: IF you can, it's a nice gesture but I don't think it's required by any means.
  10. AW! Wish I didn't already have one cause that one is just TOO cute. I'm sure someone will snag it quickly. Good luck.
  11. Hey Jenn, I revoke my previous post. Sorry should've checked my email sooner. I just sent the PayPal payment through. Thanks.
  12. That's funny Erin. And an A for effort on J's part! Don't feel so bad. I've done that in the past too! At least you caught it before it was too late. And hopefully, you didn't have to LICK them all yourself. Lol. That could be pretty awful. Nat, I'm jealous. I'm crossing things off my list but VERY slowly. Or as soon as I cross off one thing, I think of something else that needs to be done. Arg!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by MrsMiller2b There are also 30 colors on e-bay for $1.00 each. I'm awaiting a response on combined shipping though. Please share where on Ebay you found these? Can you post the link? Thanks doll. My wedding colors are turquoise and fuschia but I'm thinking of going with a neutral ivory so my ladies can get more use out of them. I'll probably tie in my colors with the ribbon and tags that will tie it all together.
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by cruisecrazy2006 Packing lists are still available (I sent you a PM) I also found a few more travel journals if anyone is interested Hi, I sent you an email about this last week and still haven't heard back
  15. Congrats Michelle, Hope you're having the time of your life!
  16. Hey Tracy, Is he in DR? If so, do you have a price list or website you can forward me. My email is [email protected] Thanks a bunch.
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