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Everything posted by Valentine_Baby

  1. Remember the Titans: Kate Bosworth
  2. Oh wow . . . and it even has a candle holder - I think you win hands down for worst gift! No offense LOL That is very creepy.
  3. Lovely planning thread Sheree!! I'm with Skadow - I saved some pics for inspiration!!
  4. I know with our wedding party we will be hosting a pre-wedding bbq before we head down south to hand out their gifts etc. Depending on what your options are you might want to consider getting her one for her hometown location. Like you said you don't know how well the spa services are down there and the week will seem like a blur because there will be so much going on. Maybe she will use it when she gets back home from the trip as a relax-aid kwim.
  5. Anyone from Canada go to David's Bridal to purchase their dress? Successful or no? I have found my dress online that I absolutely love (and keep going back too) and we will be going in October to try it on and others i'm sure. Any advice on this? I didn't want to start a new thread just to ask this question. Thanks ladies!
  6. I'm still convinced about Britney and Kathy . . .I'm not sure when they will reveal the life long friends to America. You know how Big Brother is - they will mention something but won't reveal it for quite sometime.
  7. YIWeddings - did you find anywhere in Ontario/Canada re Pashminas?
  8. Worst gift ever: Sweatshirt from my boss for XMAS. They make 6 figures but they get me a sweatshirt I wouldnt care but when others are getting $*** for xmas you get upset. Sorry - had to vent LOL how many sweatshirts does one need? lol
  9. I do but i'm always LATE - - by the time I get there everything is spoken for LOL
  10. Hi Ladies, I did a search and could not locate a forum for October 2011 brides. I know there is still 14 months to go but time will fly by. What resort have you picked? Where are you on the planning? We are getting married at Melia Las Dunas. Planning right now is mostly notes and notes and more notes (thanks to BDW). We will be sending our STDs out this month since most of the FI family is not from Ont. We actually put our RSVP onto our STDs with our wedding website. This is where they will RSVP. I didn't want to have to send out invites too (saves on costs). What do you think of this idea? Anything you want to talk about feel free I look forward to meeting more October 2011 Brides!!!
  11. umm what happen to the post between msglave and I LOL
  12. Crimson Tide: Denzel Washington
  13. Congratulations on the engagement! This forum will definently help you out! Happy Planning!!
  14. I absolutely love my engagement ring. I had picked the ring out while "shopping" online and fell in love with it. FI knew about it and had it ordered in my size before he proposed!! What is your biggest fear the day of your ceremony?
  15. Nice story Hope your wedding is everything you have dreamed of!~ I'm sure we would all love to see a pic of this ring
  16. teacher: learning (can you tell i'm trying to reach 150 posts lol)
  17. Hi ladies, I am looking for goodies for OOT bags and Parasols for my girls to use while walking down the aisle. I am in Canada. Please PM me if you have anything that you are willing to sell or that you are willing to give away Thank you in advance!!
  18. I have the Curve and absolutely love it It's my lifeline and I always have it on me.
  19. Two of a Kind: Gene Hackman
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