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Everything posted by Valentine_Baby

  1. Welcome to the forum. Try doing a search for DJ's im sure you will find lots of hits. Happy Planning!
  2. Welcome to the board and congratulations! Happy Planning
  3. Wecome to the Forum! You should check out the DIY Threads . . .they will be able to help you out! Happy Planning!
  4. Congratulations and welcome to BDW!! Happy Planning Don't worry your time will be here before you know it!
  5. let's just say I think it's a good thing she is your EX-MIL
  6. Tom Hanks: The Da Vinci Code
  7. Whoopi Goldberg: Toy Story 3
  8. Helena Bonham Carter: Harry Potter 3 should be Harry Potter
  9. CO2 detector, turkey baster oh this list is really starting to crack me up lol
  10. Dislike Jet-Skiing (bored at work too lol)
  11. interview with a vampire:Brad Pitt
  12. Spider Man 3: Kirsten Dunst
  13. dislike stickers? (you know miss delerium we keep playing I will have my 150 posts in no time LOL)
  14. Win a Date with Tad Hamilton: Topher Grace
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