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Posts posted by skadow

  1. Before you pay some one to fly down you should look into Del Sol


    http://delsolphotography.com/blog/ I have them booked for my wedding on February, 18th.


    There work has been seen in magazine around the world and have been voted one of the top ten destination wedding photographers in the world. They are a little pricey, but they take “Quality†to a new level by there unparalleled ability to capture photo journalism.


    If you love the Del Sol style, but would prefer a more economical choice. Matt, Owner of Del Sol apparently started another company under the Del Sol umbrella called La Luna.


    Their website is located HERE -> http://www.lalunaphotographers.com/


    You should take a look; I believe some of the pictures posted on the website are of Best Destination Wedding Brides. I believe La Luna starts at $400. It might be nice to have someone on call that is going with you. But there are tons of advantages for having a local photographer do it. I know Del Sol goes to all Cenotes, provides the transportation and knows the area super well. Plus with Sol along you wouldn't have to worry about a language barrier.


    Check them out!

  2. That would be great! I just noticed it was gone the last few days.


    Bringing it back. Even on a timer would be like a Christmas present.


    Originally Posted by AnnR View Post

    i can tell you that i wasn't a part of any discussion about it being removed so i don't know if it was a deliberate decision or an oversight.  because i am a mod i do have the edit button so i didn't know it was gone until people started bringing it up.  i will ask tammy about it.

  3. I am doing an all white wedding ceremony and reception.


    I absolutely fell in love with the idea after seeing a photo shoot from Riviera Maya based photographer Company, Del Sol.

    You can view the shoot here. http://delsolphotography.com/blog/content/galleries/?gal=298Most amazing wedding photo shoot I have ever seen.


    When I first told my Mother and FI about the idea, they both seemed a little confused as to why I would want to do such a thing. They thought might take the attention off me. After showing them the slideshow they understood and thought it was a great idea.


    It really helped that I showed them some photos of past “All White Weddings†I donâ€t think they could envision it when I first told them. Also I needed to explain to everyone that the men could wear Khaki Pants, and it was ok if the clothing had some tan or silver accents.


    When I first hear the idea I had concerns as well but I am so glad I made the decision to do it.

  4. I did a STD Boarding pass. I sent this along with it. Feel free to use the text if you like =)




    Dear Beloved Friends and Family,


    Please join us in celebrating our big day at the Aventura Cove and Spa, in Riviera Maya, Mexico on Friday, February 18th, 2011. We have reserved a block of rooms and have negotiated a group rate. The resort has provided us with a special website where our guests can book their stay. You can find this link on the "book your trip" page located on our website, www.DrewKadow.com. For those attending our Mexican Ceremony, all of the information you could ever want to know about us and our wedding is available for you on the website.


    For those of you who will not be able to make it to our wedding in Mexico, we hope you can celebrate with us after our return. We will be hosting a lovely summer reception party back home in mid June, 2011. A formal invite will follow.


    You may RSVP on our website at your convenience.

  5. Wow, Congrats on your new venture guys!


    Where do you guys find the time to sleep? As always, the pictures you posted are amazing. This sounds like such an amazing opportunity. No bride should ever have to suffer from bad photography because she is on a budget. Especially is she is in Mexico and there are a group of talent photographers, such as yourself right around the corner.


    Now I have two websites I can check for my weekly dose of Del Sol Photography!


    Oh, and again…Congrats on being on the Style Channel and in the LA Times.  I caught that episode and you guys totally rocked that Photoshoot.

    Here is the link incase anyone missed it.  http://www.mystyle.com/mystyle/blog/index.jsp?searchKeyword=del+sol


    I made my FI site threw it. =)  Isnâ€t he loved!

  6. Wow I had no idea you could use your dollars on that. I am finding out all sorts of stuff today. In that download the photographer and the limo is not listed. I wish they would put out a comprehensive piece that lists everything.

    Originally Posted by sgray View Post

    Hi There!

    I am  2010 bride. I am three months and three days away. I recently received email from the planner and the resort photographer. I have a different coordinator than I was assigned when I booked in February. I now have Wilma. And the resort is now using a new company for photography(www.palaceresortsweddingphotos.com). AND, the vacation dollars can be used toward photography packages. This is new info to me. Were you aware of this? I want to be able to view the vacation indulgences file above...but I guess I don't have enough points yet.


    I will post my review when we return too. This site had been so helpful!


  7. I have Del Sol ==> booked http://delsolphotography.com/blog/ for my wedding on February, 18th. They are the first vendor I booked. I booked them the Day after I booked the hotel because I was parinoid they wouldnt be free lol.


    There work has been seen in magazine around the world and have been voted one of the top ten destination wedding photographers in the world. They are a little pricey, but they take “Quality†to a new level by there unparalleled ability to capture photo journalism.


    If you love the Del Sol style, but would prefer a more economical choice. Matt, Owner of Del Sol apparently started another company under the Del Sol umbrella called La Luna.


    Their website is located HERE -> http://www.lalunaphotographers.com/


    You should take a look; I believe some of the pictures posted on the website are of Best Destination Wedding Brides.


    Hey Ladies!


    I know a few of you are still looking for photographs and love the Del Sol style, but would prefer a more economical choice. Did you see that Matt, Owner of Del Sol is starting another company under the Del Sol umbrella called La Luna. They are almost half the price!


    Their website is located HERE -> http://www.lalunaphotographers.com/


    You should take a look; I believe some of the pictures posted on the website are of Best Destination Wedding Brides.  I wish they had a wisconsin office and they could do my AHR. It might be the only time I get the whole family together after the wedding LOL =)






    Thanks so much for posting how much it costs to upgrade a room. My FI and I decided that we could save some money by booking a standard room instead of a deluxe. This might be a great opportunity to have the best of both worlds!


    Also I never knew you could use Palace Dollars to rent limoâ€s. Thatâ€s an awesome way to burn a few extra dollars. Thanks for posting.

  9. Thanks Sol,


    The one downfall to our website is there are no pictures of Danny and I on the entire website! Primarily because I canâ€t stand any of the photos we have taken.


    I canâ€t wait for Del Sol to photograph our wedding and reception. Maybe then we can finally have some pictures of us up around the house too. Itâ€s getting a little ridiculous. 


    Oh, and we can use them for our at home reception slideshow too!

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