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Everything posted by xcitedbride

  1. Question for past brides or future brides. the 4 songs we choose for the ceremony, for what part do they play the songs. the obvious one is the for me walking down the aisle. what are the other 3 for? so clueless..... lol Ying
  2. Hi abbie32 Originally i thought of doing OOt bags for my guests, and all the stuff i would want to fill it up with (travel sized sunscreen,bug spray, after sun, hangover kit, crossword books etc) and it got really expensive.....plus not everyone will use whats in the OOT bags so it would be a waste.... and i'm on a budget so i've been told. LOL Eventually we decided to get our guests travel mugs (Bubba Kegs). Its something that they can definitely use down there and they can also bring it home to use. We got the men mugs that hold 52oz and the ladies are going to get mugs that hold 34oz. And I'm having 38 guests coming down to mexico. I spent about 8 dollars a mug. We thought about doing a private sunset boat cruise on a catamaran, but it was the same price for our honeymoon resort so we scraped boat cruise. As for BM's....i would go ahead and ask your BMs on whether they would pay for their own hair. It shouldnt' be a problem, you've paid for their dresses, shoes and accessories.and your right...the spa prices are expensive and you don't even get a discount! all in all.....do what makes you happy...its your wedding. ying
  3. Hi Angie!, Thanks for the pics of the cake. looks great. we will definitely be getting that. btw......how many guests did you have to get a 3 tier cake? thanks Ying
  4. Anyone have the 3Milk cake as their wedding cake? and is it good? Thanks Ying
  5. Congratulations Angie! After reading your review, I'm getting excited for my wedding thats coming up in 6 weeks. eeekkk!! We booked Gran Tortuga for our dinner and i'm pleased to hear that its good. The food is the only thing that i'm worried about. Is there anything that you would have changed or added to your wedding day, now that you have had time to reflect? Thanks for your advice. Ying
  6. Hi Ladies, I haven't been on this site in ages and i feel like i've missed out on alot of info. Our wedding day is 3 months away! We're getting married at the hammocks and dinner is at Gran Tortuga. But I'm still deciding on whether to have a poolside reception or not. We have 36 people booked to go. I guess what comes down to it is ..... Is the reception really worth the extra 1200-1500$. Its a tough decision. Pros or Cons? What about your honeymoon? Anyone staying a extra week for your honeymoon or heading to a different resort? What resort did you pick for your honeymoon. We're staying an extra week but haven't picked a place yet.
  7. hi ladies. I'm also a fellow vancouver bride? count me in if theres another meet up. thanks!
  8. Welcome to the forum.... loads of great info on here.
  9. Hi! Any other Feb 2011 brides out there? where are you in all the planning? "Barely started?" or "Almost done!" Bride?? I'm a Feb 2011 Bride, Feb 8th 2011 to be exact. We have booked Gran Bahia Principe Tulum resort and so far we have 30 family/friends booked. But thats all the planning i have done so far. I'm not stressing but a part of me thinks i need to be further in the planning stages. Is my date twin out there?
  10. Welcome to the forum. There are loads of great info on this site. Congrats & Happy planning
  11. Hi Lauren, Congrats and Happy Planning!
  12. Hello Ladies! I'm another 2011 Bride as well.....in fact Feb 8th 2011. Yay! We have chosen the Gran Bahia Principe Tulum for our resort and wedding location. So far 28 of our family and friends have booked. We are planning to do a real simple ceremony here in town the weekend before and then do either a symbolic/mayan ceremony in Mexico.We were also lucky enough to hire a TA/Wedding Planner here in Vancouver who has dealt with the resort before. I guess if i didn't have her i would be more stressed. But I'm thinking it will be worth the $$ we are paying her. But i know that i will be continually on this forum for the next 49 weeks. Cheers!
  13. xcitedbride


    Congrats and Welcome. There are loads of useful info about anything and everything related to a destination wedding. Happy Reading/Planning!
  14. Congrats and Happy Planning!
  15. Congrats and Happy Planning!
  16. Congrats and good luck with all the planning!
  17. xcitedbride


    Congrats and happy planning!
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