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Everything posted by mrs.timpone

  1. Mallory, i bought them for $14 each! herroom.com check it out!! I could never pay that much either but I really wanted to get them for my girls.
  2. aww good for you mrs. g2b!!! this site is def a lifesafer and will help you stick to your budget! there are so many smart and frugal brides on here!
  3. Hey Ladies, I found a reall cheap site to purchase these " bra bags" to give to my bridesmaids! herroom.com. They were really cheap compared to other places ive been looking! They were only $14.99 compared to other sites that have them $50 and up! Mine just arrived today and I love them! cant wait to give them to my girls!
  4. BTW this is offically my 150th post!!!!!! yay!!!!
  5. YAY Carolina thanks for starting this thread! still cant believe you're getting married the day before at Dreams!! im excited that we will be able to have a drink in Mexico and see our weddings play out
  6. haha that beginning was great! Awesome congrats!!
  7. I am seriously crying as I write this! That was the most beautiful story. I have 2 children from a previous relationship which is why I understand the importance of having your childrens approval. Your FI sounds like a wonderful man!! Congrats! I am truly happy for you guys!
  8. aww how beautiful! I love how the sea turtles as your audience! It brings to mind the scene from the little mermaid when they sing "kiss the girl"
  9. awwwwwww wow that is so special!! You have a picture of the actual moment that is priceless!! Congrats hunny!!
  10. don't you worrry about looking uneven! The important thing is you guys are happy. Let him have his best friends since it's his wedding to! But I wouldn't put people in your wedding just because! Happy planning! Good luck!
  11. this forum is all you need. I actually found this site about 6 months into the planning and it has been my lifesaver! Good luck. Happy planning!!
  12. welcome!! Congrats on your engagement!! Happy planning
  13. welcome!!! Happy planning!!
  14. this sand frame is going to be the death of me! Lol I need to find one so bad! I will check these sites out thanks ladies!
  15. that's the beautiful thing about a destination wedding, you can have a beautiful wedding without spending that much! My wedding isn't until Sep but I estimate that after everything is said and done I will prob spend around 10,000. And I have a lot of add ons I'm getting married at Dreams Cancun. Good luck!!! Happy Planning!
  16. i dont know if your a cat person but cats really do help with a mouse problem! if thats what it is
  17. congrats!! happy planning
  18. omg wow your wedding looks like something from a fairytale! so beautiful! congrats!
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