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Everything posted by mrs.timpone

  1. lol sneakers for me too! i dont think Gucci sneakers would work well with my dress
  2. this on isnt a quote but its still awesome words to live by "Who are you to judge me And the life that I live? I know that I'm not perfect And that I don't claim to be. So before you point your fingers, Be sure your hands are clean." ~ Bob Marley
  3. lol @ cathy....you gotta love family! haha
  4. omg i am so sorry that happened to you!! listen i have a TTD dress that I am no longer using if you like I can give you the specs and send a pic! send me a pm if your interested! i only paid 150 for it so I wouldnt care for a profit, just hope i can help out!
  5. Hi there! Im a bride from Philly We are gettin married Sep 25 2010 @ DREAMS CANCUN.....very afforable! look into it!
  6. what would i have done without this thread?! thanks ladies cant wait till i can post my wedding pics:)
  7. its funny going into this wedding planning I always thought of myself as a pretty laid back person but turns out I'm not! lol I think its very easy to get caught up with making everthing perfect that I do forget whats important here so I have to give myself "wedding timeouts" and step away from everything so I can enjoy this time! anyway here's my wedding link, i know you ladies will appreciate it! lol thanks girls! Christina & Joe - wedding website by mywedding.com
  8. question for all my fellow Dreams brides...... for those who have already been married at Dreams Cancun, did you wear a veil? Im still debating if i want to wear one because I dont want it blowing all over the place but it seems like its really windy there! Im gettin married on the beach and if i do go with a veil its gonna be a cathderal veil. Although Im ok with the idea of just wearing flowers in my hair, but at the same time I really feel like a bride with the veil?! so confused! Did you ladies wear veils? Do you recommend I wear a veil?
  9. lalanyc....I am adding stafish to the back of my chairs....im gonna try and post a pic of it hope it works!
  10. i love fuschia! hot pink makes me feel sexy lol love this thread thanks for posting ladies!
  11. Shoesiesluvr we share the same wedding date is that a pic of your actual engagment?? soo cute!
  12. these are beautiful!!! i have yet to see a passport invite i would consider using but this is really nice!
  13. congrats on your marriage Loveisintheair!!! thanks for the feedback! i think i am going to do it! im sure the pics will look pretty with the veil blowing in the wind! do you have any pics of yours you would like to share
  14. omg your pictures are beautiful! i love the simpilicity of them and all the natural decor!! and your dress is fab!
  15. im so torn with this!! I want to wear a veil bc nothing screams bride like a veil!! BUT at the same time I dont want the thing blowing up into the sky, it ruins the pictures! Sooo my thought was to have a cathdral veil with beading, i believe its called a mantilla, so it wouldn't blow in the wind as easily. Any brides out there wear a cathedral veil for their beach wedding? Care to share your thoughts/ pictures?? Thanks ladies!
  16. 27 dRESSES::Katherine Heigl
  17. just realized I should prob put this in the OOT bags thread....anyone know how to move it or are the moderators the only ones that can?
  18. Hey Ladies! Just a heads up that Yankee candle is having a sale on all votives and tarts this week. They are all $1!!! I plan on putting a Sun and Sand scented votive and votive holder in each of my OOT bags so this sale is awesome! http://www.yankeecandle.com/yc/image.../L_1107096.jpg
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