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Posts posted by mrs.timpone

  1. this on isnt a quote but its still awesome words to live by


    "Who are you to judge me

    And the life that I live?

    I know that I'm not perfect

    And that I don't claim to be.

    So before you point your fingers,

    Be sure your hands are clean." ~ Bob Marley

  2. its funny going into this wedding planning I always thought of myself as a pretty laid back person but turns out I'm not! lol I think its very easy to get caught up with making everthing perfect that I do forget whats important here so I have to give myself "wedding timeouts" and step away from everything so I can enjoy this time!


    anyway here's my wedding link, i know you ladies will appreciate it! lol thanks girls!


    Christina & Joe - wedding website by mywedding.com

  3. question for all my fellow Dreams brides...... for those who have already been married at Dreams Cancun, did you wear a veil? Im still debating if i want to wear one because I dont want it blowing all over the place but it seems like its really windy there! Im gettin married on the beach and if i do go with a veil its gonna be a cathderal veil. Although Im ok with the idea of just wearing flowers in my hair, but at the same time I really feel like a bride with the veil?! so confused! sad.gif


    Did you ladies wear veils? Do you recommend I wear a veil?

  4. im so torn with this!! I want to wear a veil bc nothing screams bride like a veil!! BUT at the same time I dont want the thing blowing up into the sky, it ruins the pictures! Sooo my thought was to have a cathdral veil with beading, i believe its called a mantilla, so it wouldn't blow in the wind as easily.


    Any brides out there wear a cathedral veil for their beach wedding? Care to share your thoughts/ pictures??


    Thanks ladies!

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