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Everything posted by mrs.timpone

  1. yes she will be a guest staying at the hotel so I doubt they will stop her from taking picture. I would def complain if they tried to stop her! lol
  2. Ok so here is my dilema...... A friend of mine is a semi-pro photographer who is trying to build her resume so i suggested flying her in the day before my September 25 wedding and having her be my photographer for the wedding. I guess my question is should I pay for the wedding package with the prints included and just use Juan as my photographer?? How long does Juan usually stay with his brides? I would love for my friend to come and take the pics that way we get a few days worth of pics. OR should i just save the $$ and go with Juan?? What do you Dreams brides think?
  3. carolina i fee like you are my own personal cheerleader!! lol every time i come on to BDW and read your post i get so motivated to do wedding stuff!! haha thanks hun! you're making such good progress!!
  4. WOW everything looks BEAUTIFUL! cant wait to see the wedding pics! congrats!
  5. ahhhhh Carolina!!! its sneaking up on us! i feel so unready! lol
  6. are you ladies having a bridal shower?? Originally, I did not want to have one because I felt bad asking people to put out more money then they were already spending. But when my MOH heard this she flipped out!! lol so now i am having one this July but im not really sure of what the etiquette on this? SHould I invite people who I know def wont be coming to the wedding?
  7. i am a future Dreams Cancun bride and i must say what an amazing and helpful review! your reception is everything i want mine to be! congrats!
  8. Shoesiesluvr isnt it like a high when wedding stuff gets delivered?? haha i get giddy!! I just ordered my bouquet guys!! Any of you ladies wearing a flower in your hair?? Of so any good websites i can shop for my flower?!
  9. ThANKS CAROLINA!!!!!!! ugh you just saved me so much stress! I just ordered the frame and it looks perfect, exactly what i was looking for! I contemplated doing the frame myself but I know me and im not crafty. I would've messed it up and got frustrated! I'll report back as soon as it gets delivered!
  10. any of my fellow Sept brides planning on using a sand ceremony frame?? i've seen lots of post on these but it seems reall complicated! I love the idea of a frame tho
  11. ugh i know the feeling!!!!! the good news is you've come to the right place, this forum is so helpful and will help you throughout this entire process!!! any and every question you can think of you will find on here! First, have you picked a resort yet? If not, I recommended spending lots of time in the wedding review section of this forum. Tons of first hand info from brides who have been in your same spot! Plus lots and lots of pictures so you can compare resorts! I originally had my wedding planned for Beaches Negril then changed my mind because of this forum. Happy Planning! Looking forward to tracking your journey on the forum
  12. Hi Ladies! its been awhile since i've checked in with you guys! man you ladies are moving along nicely! Carolina, I am taking your advice and trying to focus on one thing at a time and not get too overwhelmed. I purchased my invitations. They are the print yourself kind from AC Moore, very simple but I'll jazz it up with my own touches My dress came in, ahhhh!! I was hoping to be about 20lbs lighter when it came in but now i realize its go time and I got my butt on the treadmill and I've lost 5 pounds so far!! This all still doesn't seem real! anyone else feel that way?? lol
  13. oh what a great thread!!! I CAN NOT wait to contribute my photos! 5 months exactly today
  14. ladies i need a kick in the a$$! lol i've been slacking so much! im starting to feel a little overwhelmed I have so many ideas but no idea how to make them come to life, i wish i was crafty!
  15. your wedding was beautiful!! I'm getting married at Dreams this Sept and your review is a great help!
  16. when you guys are ordering these frames online, like thru amazon, what is the name of the frame? Is it called a shadow box, or does is it actually called a sand ceremony frame? I want to do this sooooo bad but I am not creative enough or handy enough to pull it off!
  17. ebay.......i bought mine for $4.99 and they are beautiful
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