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Posts posted by mrs.timpone

  1. RIOKAYAK is that your wedding in your profile pic?? It looks beautiful!! did you make a planning thread? I still havent hit 150 post on here so im very limited to what i can view


  2. Saza,

    I feel the same way hun you are not alone! I go back and forth everyday and sometimes feel like I want to cry because I feel horrible. My family dont have much money and many have never been out of the state let alone country. But heres the think you have to keep in mind...its your wedding so you have every right to be selfish!!!! you are not doing this to please your family you are doing this because this is what you want!


    The reason I love destination weddings is it shows you the people who truly care for you. Those who really really love you will make magic happen to be there on your day.


    Having a at home reception does defeat the whole purpose of saving money! The reason I chose a destination wedding is so i dont feel like I have to spend $100 per head for someone I haven't spoke to in years just because my mom would be offended if we didnt invite them! its just ridiculous....


    A wedding is about you and you future husband starting your life together!!!! no one else!! and why should you have to put yourself in debt to throw a party to make every1 else happy?!


    Sorry for the long reply!! haha


    Good luck with everything! I hope you have the wedding of your dreams! ITS YOUR DAY!!

  3. Hey Ladies....after lots and lots of searching for a good free wedding website i fianlly found one!! smile159.gif




    I wanted a site that I could add lots of pictures with descriptions. I wanted to give a special shout out to my wedding party and send them a special message along with their picture and this site allows that! It also allowed me to put our wedding son on the page, Crush by Dave Matthews!!


    I love this site!!


    Hope you guys find it useful!


    If you would like to check out my personal site feel free :)


    Christina & Joe - wedding website by mywedding.com

  4. what.gif

    Is anyone else having problems with this sitehuh.gif I may just be an idiot but I can not figure this site out! I cant view any pictures, every time I try and do something, like view a profile or gallery, it tell me I am not authorized to do this! Even if I try and view my own profile!!! HELP PLEASE sad.gif

    I really like the site and think its very helpful but Im about to abandon it!



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