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Everything posted by mrs.timpone

  1. hey dress was pretty but i hated everything else!! if you find it remember with a dress that has so much going on its best to keep everything simple! maybe im bias because i think they are so cheesey! lol
  2. btw I just realized I can get on this forum from on my phone!! Yay!! O god my work numbers are going to nosedive! Haha
  3. haha crazy but everyone has a vision of what their day is like some just picture it with less clothing! God can you imagine what they would tell the kids? Lol whateber floats your boat
  4. welcome! This site is all you need! Happy planning
  5. I applaude your bravery but I would be afraid of DIY pics. A photographer's job is to catch those special shots that only they can see. It's like just because you can pick up a paintbrush doesn't mean you can create a masterpiece know what I mean?? but I wish you best of luck!
  6. welcome happy planning!! I remember those first couple days they are the best....
  7. welcome!! I'm a cancun bride Sep 2010! Happy planning
  8. that dress is gorg!! But it all depends how you feel in it! I don't thinks it too formal at all
  9. I need some motivation to workout! I wish I was one of those people who loved working out but I really hate it! My wedding is 6 months away and I need to lose 30 pounds! I know I can do it because I've done it in the past, its just gettin started thats the hard part! So i wanted to start a new thread to help us brides get motivated! What motivates you to get up and work out??
  10. I actually wish someone would start a new thread on dreams cancun!!! the other thread has so many post many of them useless and to top it off a lot of them date back to 2007! how do we even know if things such as price or policy have changed. Im getting married there this Sept and this site has been more helpful to me then my WC! lol I just wish someone would go into the thread and clean it up a bit ya know?
  11. does anyone know who the photographer they use if i just stick with one of the packages included with the wedding? I emailed my WC to ask if I can see some samples or their work but I still haven't heard back from her. That was 2 weeks ago!
  12. just focus on whats important to you. Like for instance with myself i know that the photos and DJ are important to me so I will splurge on that stuff and skip out on something like say maybe a fancy cake or chair bows! Or is this is an option push your wedding back another year to give yourselve time to pay for the wedding you actually want! best of luck!
  13. they are so pretty why are you selling? i would also like to know where you ordered them from!
  14. Happy planning!!!.....and I love your name its cute!
  15. welcome!! this site was a life saver for me! although frustrating sometimes im kind of getting use to it
  16. wow wow wow i am in tears right now! god my hormones are going crazy today! Thank you for posting this ladies. I am going to print these out and hold on to them until I have a daughter. Very powerful.
  17. just moved me to tears!! this is sounds like something out of a movie he did a good job! happy planning! cant wait to follow your planning on here, i have a feeling beautiful things are coming!
  18. go with something simple! you will drive yourself crazy trying to please everyone!
  19. love maggie sottero...wanted her first but ended up going with Allure...you girls look beautiful tho!
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