We decided to not do OOT bags so much, but thank you bags. I think most people are going to bring the necessities that most people put in OOT bags, so we decided we would rather do a few nice gifts. We are still deciding on final items, but a few ideas we came up with to include: CD of our fav Jamaican hits, possibly a mug or cup with wedding date on it/ names, for the boys- a Red Stripe Tshirt/ red stripe beer mugs, playing cards with a copy of the Jamaican "Kalooki" card game rules, for the girls-some yummy smelling coconut body creme I found a TJ MAXX/Marshalls, Jerk Seasoning. possibly a photo frame as well. We wanted to give them some items that were more like actual gifts as a thank you for traveling and spending the money to be at our wedding. I just bought those white craft bags from Michael's, and I am making cute orange/pink tags for the girls bags, and blue/green for the boys. I am going to also add tissue paper in them to match the bags. I think these should turn out pretty nice. As soon as i have them done- I will post pics. Should be fairly soon- wedding is coming up in a little over 1 month! Good luck everyone!