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Posts posted by mnh1983

  1. I guess I am at a plateau. Two weeks ago, I didn't lose anything. Last week, I gained half a pound. This week, I'm at the same weight. I'm going to have to change things up it seems to get the weight coming off again.


    I've put as my goal to lose 9 more pounds, but I really think if I could lose 5 and get below 140, I'll be happy.

  2. I'm having some small showers. My MOH is going to throw me a "Linens and Lingerie" shower, and another friend said she'd like to throw a shower for people in our hometown who won't be able to fly up to NY for the wedding. I don't feel as bad for having showers, I guess, since we're not going to a resort or anything. Yeah, some people will be flying or driving to NY, but a lot of our guests live within 4 hours, so it isn't too bad/expensive of a trip.


    We got our first wedding gifts yesterday from my aunt! Two place settings of the dishes we wanted, plus some other random kitchen items. cheesy.gif


    I'm currently typing out the mailing labels for our invitations, since I plan to send them out in a couple of weeks. I can't get it to import the addresses from my master list, so I have to type out each one. I think we have 82 to send out! I'm going to be here for awhile...

  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Karen Aucoin View Post
    Does the Dove self tanner have that "smell" that self tanners tend to have? I have used a couple of different types but can't stand the smell of myself, haha.
    It does have a smell, but it isn't as bad as some others that I've used in the past. I actually give it time to dry and then use some body mist so that you can't tell.
  4. I know that I asked them and that they are kids, but I honestly think a lot of the indecision lies with the parents and not with the kids. If they don't want the kids to do it, it really isn't that big of a deal to me. What frustrates me is the lack of communication from them. I leave messages, and I don't hear back for weeks at a time!!! I left them another message a few days ago saying that I'd like the kids' sizes, but if I don't hear soon, I am going to take your advice LeAnne and see if they can get it themselves.

  5. Morning ladies! I've been doing well with food this week, but it is "that time of the month," and I have a feeling I am going to be really bloated for tomorrow's weigh-in.


    I'm so inspired by you guys who are running 10Ks and half marathons. I'm trying to do the couch to 5k program, so maybe in a few months I'll be right there with you!

  6. The key to sunblock is to REAPPLY OFTEN! I am really fair, and when I go out in the sun, I try to reapply ever hour or so. I usually get SPF 40 or 50.


    As far as sunless tanners, I'm using Dove Energy Glow right now, and it looks great. I've had several compliments recently about how great I look since I've "been in the sun." It builds up slowly, so you won't look orange. It should look make you look naturally sunkissed.

  7. We asked FI's young cousins back in February if they would be our flower girl and ring bearer. Their parents confirmed it, and so in March I asked them to give us estimates of their sizes for September so I could go ahead and look for clothes. Since there were lots of cute dresses in the stores for spring/Easter, I wanted to go ahead and get one. I even found one that I really liked.


    They tell us at that point that they aren't sure if the kids will do it. We asked them to think about it for a week or two and let us know.


    We heard from them TODAY. Two months later. They've decided to do it. This is after trying to get in touch with them, not hearing, and then deciding ourselves that it wasn't worth the trouble if they weren't going to respond. Oh, and they still didn't give me the sizes.


    I'm so tempted to just email them back and tell them thanks for considering but since we couldn't get in touch with them, we are considering other options. I know FI's mother would kill me if I did it, but I can't have them going back and forth and not calling me back for two months. Would that be too bitchy of me?

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