In June 2009, my fiance Dan and I went to NYC for vacation. Our hotel was only a couple of blocks from Central Park, so after dinner on our first evening there, Dan suggested we take a walk in the park. We walked for a bit and came across rental horse and carriages. Dan asked if I'd like to take a ride instead of walk, so I agreed. You would think at this point that I would know something was up, but no, haha! As we rode, we asked the driver to stop periodically so that we could take pictures. As we neared one of the lakes, Dan asked the driver if he would take a picture of us in the carriage, so the driver obliged. As the driver raised the camera to take a picture, Dan dropped to one knee in the carriage and pulled out a ring! I was so shocked that I held my hands up to my face in that "OMG, I can't believe it!" pose. Obviously, I said yes! I think the driver was just as excited, and he dashed around the carriage to take as many pictures as he could. He actually got several shots of Dan on his knee. How many people have pictures of the actual moment? I didn't think Dan had the whole horse and carriage thing planned out, but he said it "seemed right" and that he just wanted to get it over with that night so he wouldn't stress about it for the rest of the vacation!