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Everything posted by mnh1983

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by carolina24 update ladies! we sent the deposit to our TA for the wedding days and the HM resort and we also secured the TTD photog for the week of the HM!! yay 7 months to go!!! Woohoo! Glad everything is coming along!
  2. Welcome to the forum! Congratulations!
  3. My photographer recommended a bakery, and this cake was on their website. I'm so in love with it! I would change the flowers to red though to match our colors. The swirls match our invitations!
  4. I've had a couple of friends to do it, and they said it works great! I think I am going to try it after I finish the Hundred Pushups and Two Hundred Squats programs. I feel that trying all 3 might be too much at once!
  5. Finally worked out this morning after being lazy for a week. Hundred Pushups program, week 4 Two Hundred Squats program, week 2 120 crunches short jog I think my arms and thighs will hate me tomorrow since I haven't worked them in awhile.
  6. I've never had my dentist do the whitening, but I was pretty pleased with one of the Rembrandt at home kits. I did one with a series of trays that you can do in just a couple of hours. Probably not as great as a professional, but if your teeth aren't too discolored initially, I would recommend it.
  7. mnh1983


    Congratulations! Happy Planning!
  8. Congratulations and welcome to the forum!
  9. Congratulations! I'm sure you'll get lots of money saving tips here!
  10. Wow, that is awesome! Congratulations!
  11. Ouch! I hope the medicine works! I can't imagine the pain.
  12. I don't think it is a bad idea. Maybe a bunch of coworkers or something could go in together? My fiance and I have the same problem because we already have everything.
  13. I have no idea what I am going to do with my hair. It is incredibly STRAIGHT and fine. It won't really curl, but I'm hoping to put curlers in beforehand to give it some body and then just spray the heck out of it to get it to stay for evening. I think I'll put some sort of sparkly barrette on one side.
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by vlynnw Very cute, I found these the other day making them with fabric and I'm going to try to do them DIY Fabric Poms | DIY Wedding Blog | Once Wed I think they are a great decor item and much cheaper than more flowers! I like the fabric ones too! Maybe I will get my craft on this weekend and see how they come out!
  15. I'm getting married in September too! Can't wait to her about your plans!
  16. Woohoo! Coming up soon! Welcome to the forum.
  17. Welcome to the forum! I think you'll find lots of helpful information here!
  18. For my STDs, I just wrote the addresses on the envelopes as neatly as I could. However, I am printing labels for my invitations so that they look crisp. I can't do calligraphy, so I figured that would be best. I don't think that there is really any "wrong" way to do things nowadays.
  19. Has anyone here tried making tissue paper pom-poms? I saw a kit at Michael's last night but did not want to spend $20 on it to just make a few. I found a how-to, but I never know with DIY stuff if it is as easy as or turns out as nice as the picture. Pom-Poms and Luminarias I was thinking that if they were simple enough, I might make them to hang on the aisle chairs for the ceremony.
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