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Everything posted by mnh1983

  1. Congratulations! You'll find a ton of useful info here. Happy planning!
  2. Welcome and congrats on renewing your vows! Happy planning!
  3. Wearing the shoes is just something he'll have to do if he wants to wear his uniform! Will your reception be on the beach as well, or will it be out of the sand? If out of the sand, just remind him that he'll only have his shoes on in the sand for a few minutes!
  4. I think that is going to look really nice together! I say dye the shoes so you can get exactly what you want!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by Shakara With that being said... are your FI wearing the military dress uniform at the wedding?? My FI had planned to wear his mess dress in the wedding, but he decided after looking at tuxes for the other guys in the party that he liked the tux better, so that is what he is going to wear now.
  6. That is pretty good for a lot of the photographers I've seen.
  7. It is so sad to hear about your mother. I hope that the chemo can help your mother and allow her to one day share your wedding with you.
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by Meitra I was considering doing WW, why don't you do it anymore? I had gotten to a weight that I liked, so I stopped counting the points but kept in mind portions and eating more fruits/veggies. It has only been in the last few months that I have gained back some of the weight (about 10 pounds) and have had trouble getting it off. I'm having to travel a lot for work through April, and doing the points has been really hard lately because I'm forced to eat out more than I'd like.
  9. Congratulations! There is so much great info here that I'm sure you'll find a destination perfect for you!
  10. If you don't feel comfortable drinking around your kids, have an alcohol free reception and then maybe plan "cocktail time" on another day with adults.
  11. mnh1983

    New member

    Congratulations and welcome to the forum! There is a ton of great info here!
  12. That's awesome! From looking at what you're eating, I take it you are a vegetarian? I'm a vegetarian, so that seems like something easy I could follow. I feel so stuck. I've lost 50 pounds, but now I've plateaued. I lose a couple of pounds here and there, but maybe something "new" like your meal plan might help me!
  13. Welcome and congratulations!
  14. I wanted to be a doctor when I was younger, and that was the plan up until midway through college. Now I'm a therapist. What is your favorite keepsake from your childhood?
  15. mnh1983


    Welcome and congratulations!
  16. mnh1983

    Newbie Hello!

    Congratulations! I think you're going to find lots of helpful info here. Good luck with planning!
  17. mnh1983


    Welcome! Just play around on here, and you'll get the hang of it soon! Congratulations!
  18. I don't think one is more romantic than another...it is all just preference. If a church wedding is important to your hubby, maybe have a small ceremony to renew vows at some point.
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by Jenamie Marisa!!!! I had no idea you where on this site!!! Its not out yet Its not on the stands until March or May I don't remember I'll let you know though Hey Random question do you have my new address and have you sent out your STDs? Haha! You gave me the link to this site awhile back, but I didn't look at it much until recently. Let me know when the magazine comes out. I'm sure I'll find it here since it is a GA issue. And yes, I have your new addy, and the STDs are finally going out tomorrow. I had issues getting addresses from a certain MIL-to-be, but I finally have everything and they are ready!
  20. The FI and I haven't done marital counseling (even though I'm a therapist and should probably know better), but as a therapist myself, I've brought up at home stuff that I would work on with couples. Someone mentioned John Gottman. He is THE guy in the world of therapy to do marital stuff. I studied a lot of his stuff in school and have used some in my practice. I would recommend it.
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